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John Bradshaw - Start Your Own Gold Rush!

John Bradshaw - Start Your Own Gold Rush!
TOPICS: Every Word

During the California Gold Rush, 750,000 pounds of gold were extracted from the hills and ground of the Golden State. Today that would be worth tens of billions of dollars; prospectors seeking their fortune flocked to California, fortunes were made and lost but there's something better than gold.

Proverbs 16:16, "How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver"!

That's a big statement, especially given the price of gold, and God isn't against gold, He used it to beautify the sanctuary and the temple. He counsels us in Revelation 3 to buy gold.

As valuable as gold is, the understanding you get from the Word of God is more valuable. Start your own gold rush, let nothing keep you from the Bible. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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