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John Bradshaw - The Lord Told Me To. Really?

John Bradshaw - The Lord Told Me To. Really?
TOPICS: Every Word

There's a phrase I hear that occasionally worries me; when people say, "The Lord told me to". Yes He told Abraham to leave his home and follow Him which worked out well, He told Abraham he'd father a child in his old age and Abraham initially ignored God's counsel, that turned out badly, yes God will tell you but it's unusual for God to tell you to do something nonsensical.

People say, "The Lord told me to," when it was patently obvious God did no such thing. Proverbs 15:22, "Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established".

It's wise to seek Godly counsel, especially when you're looking at doing something big. Before you quit your job or quit college or move to the wilderness it'd be good if you counseled broadly. Yes, God speaks, He'll speak to you, often He'll speak through others to do so. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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