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John Bradshaw - The Gift of Desperation

John Bradshaw - The Gift of Desperation
TOPICS: Every Word, Desperation

I had a guest on an It Is Written "Conversations" program who spoke of his experience with alcohol addiction and finding sobriety and faith in God, great story. He spoke of "the gift of desperation," where he got so low he realized something just had to change.

There are times you realize sin just has to go because it's ruinous and unfulfilling. God encourages you, "Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding." Proverbs 9:6.

Could be foolish people, friends that drag you down, sometimes a foolish habit, drinking hurts and doesn't help in any way, illegal drugs do damage, could be something not visible to anyone else. God says, "Forsake it". If you want to, if you're willing, He'll give you the power to forsake sin and He will free you to truly follow in His way. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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