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John Bradshaw - A Million Dollars or Poison Ivy

John Bradshaw - A Million Dollars or Poison Ivy
TOPICS: Every Word

If you could have a million dollars or a case of poison ivy, you'd choose the money, a suitcase full of gems or a speeding ticket, obvious, but what would you trade for God's word?

Proverbs 8:10 says, "Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold". Oh, God's not denigrating wealth but He's saying His instruction is so precious that it's preferable to gold or silver. But people trade God's word for Facebook and doing homework and walking the dog and reading the news and TV and all sorts of stuff.

This isn't hyperbole on the part of God, He's saying what you receive in the Bible is so valuable, so important, you shouldn't even trade it for gold or silver. So why trade it so easily for nothing? Treat God's Word with the importance it deserves, nothing else matters nearly as much. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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