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John Bradshaw - A Very Significant Sentence

John Bradshaw - A Very Significant Sentence
TOPICS: Every Word

Before He gave the Ten Commandments, God said something of enormous significance: "I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage". Exodus 20, verse 2. Before "you shall have no other gods" and before "you shall not kill," God reminded His people who He was and what He'd done for them. "I am God, I've delivered you, I've demonstrated my power over the gods of Egypt, I brought you out of servitude, therefore you're to walk in my precepts".

That's God saying, "I've set you free and now you're free to honor me and keep my Commandments". God assures, "I have set you free and if you follow these ten words, I'll keep you free".

The Ten Commandments have everything to do with freedom. God sets you free; free people then walk in God's will. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written. Let's live today by every word.
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