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John Bradshaw - The Man Who Bankrupted a Bank

John Bradshaw - The Man Who Bankrupted a Bank
TOPICS: Every Word

His losses were so great that the bank he worked for completely collapsed and he spent more than four years in prison for fraud. He cost more than a thousand people their jobs while bankrupting a 230 year old institution. One man's irresponsibility did an immense amount of damage, like dishonest Akan in the Bible or rebellious Absalom or angry Cain or the stubborn Pharaoh in Egypt or Adam and Eve.

Go back further and Lucifer rebelled against God in Heaven. What God doesn't do is micromanage your choices. What He wishes you do is make choices in harmony with His will for your life. Let God lead you and He'll lead you in good paths.

The wise man wrote in Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths". Make it easy on yourself today, surrender your will to God and follow His leading. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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