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John Bradshaw - Good Things Still Happen

John Bradshaw - Good Things Still Happen
TOPICS: Every Word

We easily focus on the evil in the world; the sin society's downward spiral but good things still happen, and people are often very kind. A woman who'd moved to another country was required to undergo medical tests which discovered a large tumor in her chest. Because she wasn't eligible for publicly funded health care, she would have to find forty-eight thousand dollars to have the life-threatening tumor removed.

That was money she didn't have. People rallied, complete strangers, the money was raised and she's now well and happy. Let's never forget the good things that happen.

Jeremiah wrote, "Through the Lord's mercies we're not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness". That's Lamentations 3. It's easier than ever to see the bad; today look for the good, and when you see it, remember to thank God. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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