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John Bradshaw - That Man Has Really Changed

John Bradshaw - That Man Has Really Changed
TOPICS: Every Word

As I was approaching the cell where a church member, a murderer, was imprisoned for life, the guard turned to me and said, "So you're here to see Mr X," let's call him. I said I was, and he said, "You know that man has really changed," and of course he meant changed for the better. The man had become a Christian since his imprisonment.

Was it a jailhouse conversion? A conversion of convenience? I guess only God knows, but what I know is that conversion or not, that man's never getting out of prison, and when I arrived at a cell he was studying his Bible, having no idea that I was stopping by.

God said in Ezekiel 36:26, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you". Based on what I saw that day, I'd have to believe that God meant what He said. He can still work a miracle in even a hardened heart. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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