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John Bradshaw - He Shone Brightest in the Darkness

John Bradshaw - He Shone Brightest in the Darkness
TOPICS: Every Word

You'd imagine someone in his position would have been hopeless. His brothers planned at first to kill him, but then sold Joseph as a slave which might have seemed like a fate worse than death. In Egypt he did everything right, but ended up languishing in a prison because of the false accusations of a lying woman. But it was in the darkness of a dungeon that Joseph shone brightest.

Genesis 39:23 says, "The Lord was with him, and that which he did, the Lord made it to prosper". Should you be neglected or unjustly treated in some way, Joseph's example speaks to you. He had served his master faithfully and was imprisoned unjustly. Yet God brought him through that.

When you're confronted by hardship, instead of rejecting God, know that God will bring you through. It might be that you'll shine brightest in the darkness. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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