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John Bradshaw - When Others Don't Believe in You

John Bradshaw - When Others Don't Believe in You
TOPICS: Every Word

Even when things get difficult, you have your family. They'll support you, encourage you, they have your back, except of course for when they don't. Many people don't have family support; so in that respect they're just like Jesus. In John 7, Jesus' brothers challenged, him telling him to conduct his ministry out in the open.

"Show yourself to the world," they said. Verse 5 says, "His brothers did not believe in him". His own brothers, even though they knew all about his exemplary life, were no support to Jesus and his ministry as the Messiah. But Jesus kept on going. He knew God believed in him.

So when no one has faith in you or supports your dreams or they're not there for you when you need them, remember Jesus went through that. No matter what others think, you can know the same is true for you. Jesus has your back; he's there for you. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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