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John Bradshaw - The Devil Did Not Make You Do It

John Bradshaw - The Devil Did Not Make You Do It
TOPICS: Every Word

Webster dictionary defines "Resist" as to exert force in opposition. With that in mind look at James 4 verse 7, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you".

James says we should exert force in opposition to the devil. It's important to resist temptation. What you don't do is throw up your hands and say, "The devil made me do it". Sometimes you have to bite your tongue. Sometimes you have to look away. Sometimes you have to say, "No, thank you". That's resisting although that's still incomplete.

The Christian praise, "God, help me! I can only do this as your spirit works in my life", and then that person says "No" or looks away or walks in the opposite direction.

In Christ's strength. You might have to resist with all the strength you have, and you'll be able to do so if you're drawing strength from God himself. I'm John Bradshaw, for It Is Written.
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