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John Bradshaw - The Gang Leader Blamed Hopelessness

John Bradshaw - The Gang Leader Blamed Hopelessness
TOPICS: Every Word, Hope

After rioting rocked an American city in 2015, a state of emergency was declared, a curfew was enforced. And 2,000 national guard troops were called in to assist police. A gang leader was quoted as saying, "Much of the rage behind the rioting is rooted in hopelessness".

Jesus came to this earth to offer hope. In fact Romans 8:24 says, "We are saved by hope". Not that we're not saved by grace through faith, but hope in the heart allows a person to look forward with confidence in the belief that there really is an eternal future ahead.

With God there's always hope. Your salvation has been secured. You have an advocate in heaven. There's a day coming when everything that troubles you physically, financially or emotionally will be gone forever. Life can be rough sometimes, but there's always hope in Jesus. I'm John Bradshaw, for It Is Written.
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