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John Bradshaw - Christianity, The Great Leveler

John Bradshaw - Christianity, The Great Leveler
TOPICS: Every Word

Christianity is a great leveler, demonstrating no person is any more special than the next. The president of a great nation, a famous celebrity, the wealthiest billionaire, a doctor, teacher, retail worker, bus driver, all have one thing in common - they're all sinners.

Neither a money, fame, qualifications or native ability can change the fact that "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God", Romans 3:23. No matter your background, your status in life, every last person is lost without Jesus.

You can be smart, wealthy, well-known, well connected, but no one can safely trust in their own wisdom. And it's good to know that, because when you fail yet again, it's then that you can say "My hope is not in myself, but in Jesus". Jesus saves, Jesus transforms, and Jesus is coming back soon. I'm John Bradshaw, for It Is Written.
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