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John Bradshaw - Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

John Bradshaw - Necessity Is the Mother of Invention
TOPICS: Every Word

A man who helped a stranded motorist on Belle Isle in Detroit in 1908 broke his jaw when the crank on her car kicked back, worse still he later died as a result.

The founder of Cadillac motor said, "The Cadillac car will kill no more men if we can help it", turns out they could help it.

Charles Kettering developed the electric starter and vehicle manufacturing changed forever, necessity is the mother of invention and in your faith you might have figured out that you need a power greater than your own.

You're a sinner, the wages of sin is death, you have a need, necessity causes you to look for real help and that help is found in Jesus. Philippians 2:13, "It is God who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure". You have a problem, Jesus has the solution, Jesus is the solution. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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