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John Bradshaw - There Is Always Hope for You

John Bradshaw - There Is Always Hope for You
TOPICS: Every Word, Hope

You see it in nature all the time, a small bird chasing away a much bigger bird, a dog frightening off a bear, the weak actually being the strong.

As in Congress, as it seems, that's the philosophy of good theology, a faulty Christian believer is seemingly the weakest thing in the world, but the sinner who recognizes his or her nothingness and then relies completely on God is in fact, invincible. When your hope rests on the righteousness and strength of Christ you are exactly where God wants you to be.

Psalm 37:4, he says, "He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him". Your weakness today isn't the end of the story, and it doesn't consign you to failure; your failures don't consign you to failure, there's always hope for you as long as your trust is in the Lord. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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