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John Bradshaw - God Wants You to Be Rich

John Bradshaw - God Wants You to Be Rich
TOPICS: Every Word

God wants you to be rich! He really does, but rich in the right things! Jesus offered the lukewarm, apathetic church of Laodicea a pathway to strong spiritual health, and true riches. He said, "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich" - Revelation 3:18.

I've heard this called "Faith that works by love", gold tried in the fire has had all the draw spooned away, so what you're left with is pure gold.

God says that even if you've been lukewarm, you can have a pure faith, he'll give it to you, and your faith can shine brightly. The Laodiceans prized wealth, but wealth of the wrong kind, the type that comes and goes. What matters most is having a fervent faith, and as Jesus told Laodicea, he'll give that to you if you want it. I'm John Bradshaw, for It Is Written.
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