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John Bradshaw - This Isn't Easy for a Lot of People

John Bradshaw - This Isn't Easy for a Lot of People
TOPICS: Every Word

This isn't easy for a lot of people; in Ephesians 4:26, Paul quotes David and says, "Be angry and yet do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your anger".

Paul recognizes there are times you might be angry, deer ate your plants, someone drove on your front lawn, the bus didn't stop at your bus stop again, whatever it might be, but the Bible tells us, twice, that when you're angry, you mustn't sin and that's a command, the way it's written by Paul.

You can be angry about the act, neighbor plays loud music late at night, without harboring animosity towards the wrongdoer, don't love the sin but do love the sinner, and when Paul writes you don't want the son to sit on your anger, he's saying you simply don't want to harbor anger or resentment. Separate the act from the actor and just let it go. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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