John Bradshaw - A Beautiful Exchange
It's one of the most beautiful exchanges in the Bible. Paul and Silas had been beaten repeatedly; no doubt their backs were cut or badly bruised and swollen. The jail keeper had wounds on the inside, he'd been carrying around a weight of sin and guilt and shame, but he met Jesus late one night and surrendered his heart to heaven.
The Bible says, "And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was baptized, he and all his straightway". He washed their wounds, and they washed away his sins; Paul and Silas would have considered it a privilege to be able to endure hardship to see this unbeliever soften under the influence of the spirit of God.
The man's family were also baptized; this was a miracle, and what God did for the jail keeper and his family God is willing to do for you and yours. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written