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John Bradshaw - Don't Make It Harder Than It Really Is

John Bradshaw - Don't Make It Harder Than It Really Is
TOPICS: Every Word, Salvation

I've mentioned this to you before, there are more than 43 quintillion possible arrangements for a Rubik's cube, and yet no matter how you scramble, it's always possible to solve it in just 20 moves, which means it's a lot more simple than it might seem. Salvation is the same.

When a lost man, the jail keeper in the Greek city of Philippi encountered the God of heaven, he asked what he needed to do to be saved? Paul and Silas said, "Believe on the lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household" - Acts 16:31. It was that simple, and it still is.

Of course, one believes with all of one's heart, this isn't merely a cent we're talking about. But that's where you start. That's how you receive salvation. Don't make it harder than it really is! Believe in Jesus as your lord and savior, and he is, and everlasting life is yours. I'm john Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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