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John Bradshaw - How Does This Happen?

John Bradshaw - How Does This Happen?
TOPICS: Every Word

I'm not sure how this could even happen. A couple intending to fly from Nice to London, discovered too late they were on the wrong plane, and we're heading to Madrid. Now, let's think: there's always a sign at the airport gate telling you where you're going. If you're flying to England, aren't you wondering why pretty much everyone is speaking Spanish? There's always an announcement, telling you where your plane is going. You'd hear that, wouldn't you?

Jesus said that there'd be a day on which many would come to him rehearsing their good deeds, and yet he says to them, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" - Matthew 7:23.

What a shock! But you can avoid that by checking first. Be sure that today you check on the reality of your faith. And if it isn't real, ask God right away to do something about that. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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