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Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
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Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
In this session I'm going to continue with some of the secrets of answered prayer. In fact, I'm going to deal with one specific, major key to effective praying. And although this key is clearly presented throughout the Bible from the Old [...]
Derek Prince - Powerful Prayer Of Deliverance
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Derek Prince - Powerful Prayer Of Deliverance
Derek Prince - Powerful Prayer Of Deliverance
This is an excerpt from: How To Expel The Enemy Now we have done marvelously well with regard to time and I want to end on a very practical note, thank you so much. This is optional, I want you to understand, nobody is compelled. But if there are [...]
Derek Prince - How To Keep Your Deliverance
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Derek Prince - How To Keep Your Deliverance
Derek Prince - How To Keep Your Deliverance
This is an excerpt from: How To Expel The Enemy One last topic. If I could get the top part wiped off. Thank you. How to keep your deliverance. I usually don't have time to teach on this. Let me say that I have a series of six cassettes called [...]
Derek Prince - Why Some People Are Not Delivered?
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Derek Prince - Why Some People Are Not Delivered?
Derek Prince - Why Some People Are Not Delivered?
This is an excerpt from: How To Expel The Enemy Now we're going on to the problem area why some people are not delivered. This is mainly for those who are going to be in this ministry. Why some are not delivered. Basically its for not meeting [...]
Derek Prince - Follow These Steps To Be Delivered From Demons
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Derek Prince - Follow These Steps To Be Delivered From Demons
Derek Prince - Follow These Steps To Be Delivered From Demons
This is an excerpt from: How To Expel The Enemy Now we come to what is the center of the whole thing. How to be delivered. This is what all of us need to know. And I'm going to give you a list of simple basic steps. I don't say you have [...]
Derek Prince - How Demons Gain Entry Into A Person
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Derek Prince - How Demons Gain Entry Into A Person
Derek Prince - How Demons Gain Entry Into A Person
This is an excerpt from: How To Expel The Enemy In this session we are going to begin by answering on of the most important particle questions in this all theme. One that many people are concerned about, that is: How do demons come in? How do they [...]
Derek Prince - How To Expel The Enemy
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Derek Prince - How To Expel The Enemy
Derek Prince - How To Expel The Enemy
In this session we are going to begin by answering on of the most important particle questions in this all theme. One that many people are concerned about, that is: How do demons come in? How do they gain entry to human personalities and lives? My [...]
Derek Prince - Areas Where Demons Operate In
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Derek Prince - Areas Where Demons Operate In
Derek Prince - Areas Where Demons Operate In
This is an excerpt from: Basics of Deliverance: How to Identify The Enemy Now, the next thing we're going to deal with, and I think this will be the last although I wish I could go further because we haven't much time is their areas of [...]
Derek Prince - Characteristic Activity of Demons, 9 Things They'll Do
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Derek Prince - Characteristic Activity of Demons, 9 Things They'll Do
Derek Prince - Characteristic Activity of Demons, 9 Things They'll Do
This is an excerpt from: Basics of Deliverance: How to Identify The Enemy Now, what I want to do in the next part of this session is give you some characteristic activities of demons. I'm going to list about nine verbs which describe [...]
Derek Prince - How To Know If Demons Are At Work
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Derek Prince - How To Know If Demons Are At Work
Derek Prince - How To Know If Demons Are At Work
This is an excerpt from: Basics of Deliverance: How to Identify The Enemy I'm going to give you some general teaching on the nature of demons and we'll stick with the word demons and ways in which you can know if they're at work in [...]
Derek Prince - People Need to be Equipped In Deliverance Before They Go Out Evangelizing
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Derek Prince - People Need to be Equipped In Deliverance Before They Go Out
Derek Prince - People Need to be Equipped In Deliverance Before They Go Out Evangelizing
This is an excerpt from: Basics of Deliverance: How to Identify The Enemy Now the next thing I want to say, which I will illustrate very briefly is: In the New Testament no one was ever sent out to evangelize without first being commissioned to [...]
Derek Prince - Casting Out Demons Was a Major Part of Jesus' Ministry
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Derek Prince - Casting Out Demons Was a Major Part of Jesus' Ministry
Derek Prince - Casting Out Demons Was a Major Part of Jesus' Ministry
This is an excerpt from: Basics of Deliverance: How to Identify The Enemy All right. Let's look at one other picture of the ministry of Jesus which is parallel, in fact it describes the same incidents in Luke 4 verses 40-41. That's the [...]
Derek Prince - People That Need Deliverance Are Ordinary People
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Derek Prince - People That Need Deliverance Are Ordinary People
Derek Prince - People That Need Deliverance Are Ordinary People
This is an excerpt from: Basics of Deliverance: How to Identify The Enemy Now at evening, when the sun had set, they brought to him all who were sick and those who were demonized. The New Testament hardly makes any distinction. And Jesus did not [...]
Derek Prince - Can a Christian be Possessed by Demons?
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Derek Prince - Can a Christian be Possessed by Demons?
Derek Prince - Can a Christian be Possessed by Demons?
This is an excerpt from: Basics of Deliverance: How to Identify The Enemy The theme of this and the following session will be Basics of Deliverance. The subtitle is: "All You Ever Wanted to Know About Demons But Were Afraid to Ask". In [...]
Derek Prince - How To Identify The Enemy
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Derek Prince - How To Identify The Enemy
Derek Prince - How To Identify The Enemy
The theme of this and the following session will be Basics of Deliverance. The subtitle is: "All You Ever Wanted to Know About Demons But Were Afraid to Ask". In these two sessions I'm going to seek to achieve a well nigh impossible [...]
Derek Prince - Prayers and Proclamations for Israel
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Derek Prince - Prayers and Proclamations for Israel
Derek Prince - Prayers and Proclamations for Israel
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel So let me come to the end of my... There's two more, this is number ten and eleven if you've been following. Probably you haven't. Number ten on how to pray for Israel says, pray for [...]
Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
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Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Point number nine about prayer, don't tell God what to do. Have any of you ever done that? All right, let's turn to Isaiah 40 for a moment, just a short passage from Isaiah 40... Isaiah 40, [...]
Derek Prince - Want to Be Blessed? Bless Israel!
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Derek Prince - Want to Be Blessed? Bless Israel!
Derek Prince - Want to Be Blessed? Bless Israel!
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Now the next suggestion I have is bless and be blessed. I want to turn to Numbers 24, verse 9. You see, when we pray our grace, which we've just been through, you realize every time we pray it [...]
Derek Prince - Why Praying For Peace In Jerusalem Is Important?
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Derek Prince - Why Praying For Peace In Jerusalem Is Important?
Derek Prince - Why Praying For Peace In Jerusalem Is Important?
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Suggestion number six, pray according to Psalm 102, verses 13 and 18. Let's turn to that and read it. Psalm 102, verses 13 and 18. This is a revelation that was given to the psalmist in a mood of [...]
Derek Prince - Israel: What Is The Best Thing To Pray For?
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Derek Prince - Israel: What Is The Best Thing To Pray For?
Derek Prince - Israel: What Is The Best Thing To Pray For?
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel My next suggestion, number four, is identify with God's ultimate purpose, which is what? Why has God tolerated the appalling wickedness of humanity for hundreds and hundreds of years? What is He [...]
Derek Prince - Confession, An Essential Part of Effective Payer
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Derek Prince - Confession, An Essential Part of Effective Payer
Derek Prince - Confession, An Essential Part of Effective Payer
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel The third suggestion I have applies both to Jews and to Gentiles. It is confess your sins against one another to the Lord. You see, the true intercessor is one who has come to confess sin before the [...]
Derek Prince - 5 Stages of Effective Prayer
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Derek Prince - 5 Stages of Effective Prayer
Derek Prince - 5 Stages of Effective Prayer
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Second is based on Psalm 100:4 which says: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise... This is a great fundamental principle which unfortunately many Christians are not [...]
Derek Prince - What It Means To Be An Intercessor?
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Derek Prince - What It Means To Be An Intercessor?
Derek Prince - What It Means To Be An Intercessor?
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Our final proclamation this evening in the last of this series of messages is the last two verses of the epistle of Jude, which we think are glorious. Now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling [...]
Derek Prince - How To Pray For Israel
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Derek Prince - How To Pray For Israel
Derek Prince - How To Pray For Israel
Our final proclamation this evening in the last of this series of messages is the last two verses of the epistle of Jude, which we think are glorious. Now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the presence [...]
Derek Prince - Frustration About The Church
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Derek Prince - Frustration About The Church
Derek Prince - Frustration About The Church
This is an excerpt from: Orphans, Widows, The Poor And Oppressed Now you could say to me, "Well, Brother Prince, what have you done about it?" and it's a legitimate question. So I'm going to tell you very briefly what I've [...]
Derek Prince - If You Don't Hear The Poor, God Will Not Hear You
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Derek Prince - If You Don't Hear The Poor, God Will Not Hear You
Derek Prince - If You Don't Hear The Poor, God Will Not Hear You
This is an excerpt from: Orphans, Widows, The Poor And Oppressed Proverbs 31 verse 20, this is the picture of the excellent wife, the model woman. And I bow down before this because I've been married to two one after the other, let me add. I [...]
Derek Prince - He Who Has Pity On The Poor Loans To The Lord
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Derek Prince - He Who Has Pity On The Poor Loans To The Lord
Derek Prince - He Who Has Pity On The Poor Loans To The Lord
This is an excerpt from: Orphans, Widows, The Poor And Oppressed Let me just take a few more moments... James chapter 1 verse 27. James 1:27. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father... Let me say just two things. There's [...]
Derek Prince - Doing Nothing Is All You Have To Do To Be Cursed Forever By God
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Derek Prince - Doing Nothing Is All You Have To Do To Be Cursed Forever By God
Derek Prince - Doing Nothing Is All You Have To Do To Be Cursed Forever By God
This is an excerpt from: Orphans, Widows, The Poor And Oppressed All right we are going on with the New Testament, Matthew 25. I don't need to tell John what is in this chapter. This is the sheep and the goat nations. Matthew 25, it's the [...]
Derek Prince - You'll Be Repaid In Heaven If You Do This
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Derek Prince - You'll Be Repaid In Heaven If You Do This
Derek Prince - You'll Be Repaid In Heaven If You Do This
This is an excerpt from: Orphans, Widows, The Poor And Oppressed Now we turn onto Luke chapter 14 verses 12 through 14. This is after Jesus has been invited to a meal in a Pharisee's house, but he takes it more generally, he applies it. Luke [...]
Derek Prince - These Kinds of People are Most Responsive to the Gospel
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Derek Prince - These Kinds of People are Most Responsive to the Gospel
Derek Prince - These Kinds of People are Most Responsive to the Gospel
This is an excerpt from: Orphans, Widows, The Poor And Oppressed Let's move on to the New Testament. And what's so remarkable is in the New Testament God's righteousness has not changed the least bit. He still expects exactly the [...]
Derek Prince - The Key To Continuing Revival
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Derek Prince - The Key To Continuing Revival
Derek Prince - The Key To Continuing Revival
This is an excerpt from: Orphans, Widows, The Poor And Oppressed And then in Isaiah 58, this is what David Wilkerson calls the "key to continuing revival". Isaiah 58 beginning at verse 6: "Is not this the fast that I have chosen: To [...]
Derek Prince - God Is Not Impressed With Us If We Don't Care For These People
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Derek Prince - God Is Not Impressed With Us If We Don't Care For These
Derek Prince - God Is Not Impressed With Us If We Don't Care For These People
This is an excerpt from: Orphans, Widows, The Poor And Oppressed The slogan that our ministry has had for a good many years is Reaching the Unreached, and Teaching the Untaught, and we have done that to the best of our ability. I think my radio [...]
Derek Prince - Orphans, Widows, The Poor and Oppressed
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Derek Prince - Orphans, Widows, The Poor and Oppressed
Derek Prince - Orphans, Widows, The Poor and Oppressed
God does... Do we? The slogan that our ministry has had for a good many years is Reaching the Unreached, and Teaching the Untaught, and we have done that to the best of our ability. I think my radio program is in about thirteen languages. My books [...]
Derek Prince - 5 Marks of The Kind of Leader We Should Submit To
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Derek Prince - 5 Marks of The Kind of Leader We Should Submit To
Derek Prince - 5 Marks of The Kind of Leader We Should Submit To
We'll go on now in natural order to verse 17. I'll translate it first. Obey your leaders [or those who lead you], and yield [or submit]; for they themselves spend sleepless nights [or stay awake or watch] on behalf of your souls, as those [...]
Derek Prince - Do Not Be Led Away By Strange and New Teachings
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Derek Prince - Do Not Be Led Away By Strange and New Teachings
Derek Prince - Do Not Be Led Away By Strange and New Teachings
We're continuing now in Hebrews 13:7–8. We just glanced at these verses at the end of the last session. We'll continue there; I'll translate them once more. Verse 7: Remember those who lead you, who spoke to you the word of God; and [...]
Derek Prince - Remember Those Who Are ill-Treated
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Derek Prince - Remember Those Who Are ill-Treated
Derek Prince - Remember Those Who Are ill-Treated
We'll move on to chapter 13 and in your outline it says of the first 25 verses in that chapter: This is the seventh passage of practical application. That indicates there have been six before, this is the last one. In regard to each passage [...]
Derek Prince - You Cannot Serve God Without Fear
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Derek Prince - You Cannot Serve God Without Fear
Derek Prince - You Cannot Serve God Without Fear
We're beginning with new material, verse 25, which I'll read from the Greek and then we'll look at it. See to it that you do not refuse [or ignore or reject] the one who is speaking. For if those did not escape on earth who rejected [...]
Derek Prince - Renew Your Spiritual Vitality
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Derek Prince - Renew Your Spiritual Vitality
Derek Prince - Renew Your Spiritual Vitality
We'll read verse 15 and proceed from there. Hebrews 12:15. Watching [or taking care] lest there be anybody who comes short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up offend [or cause trouble] and through this many be defiled. [...]
Derek Prince - How Do We Respond to God's Discipline
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Derek Prince - How Do We Respond to God's Discipline
Derek Prince - How Do We Respond to God's Discipline
At the end of the previous session we just started into chapter 12 of Hebrews and we had considered the first two verses. I will simply read those two verses from the New American Standard and comment very briefly to bring you up to date, then [...]
Derek Prince - Let Us Run With Endurance
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Derek Prince - Let Us Run With Endurance
Derek Prince - Let Us Run With Endurance
Then the next principle which we haven't seen before, P.15, which is the last one in our list: our response to God's representatives is reckoned as our response to God. The spies were God's representatives. The way she treated them [...]
Derek Prince - God Honors Faith's Confession
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Derek Prince - God Honors Faith's Confession
Derek Prince - God Honors Faith's Confession
We're in Hebrews 11:28. This is still part of the record of the accomplishments of Moses by faith. We stopped last time because we ran out of time in the middle of the record of what Moses accomplished by faith. So now we come to verse 28: By [...]
Derek Prince - Seeing The Invisible Is The Key to Endurance
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Derek Prince - Seeing The Invisible Is The Key to Endurance
Derek Prince - Seeing The Invisible Is The Key to Endurance
Let's just look at our outline for a moment. We've looked at the example E.6, now we look at the result. This is our principle, we look at every example of faith in action and then we see what resulted from it. The result: blessing on [...]
Derek Prince - God Will Ask The Thing That He Gave From Us
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Derek Prince - God Will Ask The Thing That He Gave From Us
Derek Prince - God Will Ask The Thing That He Gave From Us
In our studies in Hebrews we have arrived somewhere in chapter 11. Just to give a word of explanation about the symbols in the outline you'll see we're using two abbreviations. E for an example of faith and P for a principle that's [...]
Derek Prince - Hope Beyond This Life
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Derek Prince - Hope Beyond This Life
Derek Prince - Hope Beyond This Life
The next passage we'll look at is chapter 11:8–10 which deals with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I'll translate those three verses and then comment on them. By faith, being called, Abraham obeyed to go out to a place which he was due to [...]
Derek Prince - The Result of Trusting in Our Own Efforts
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Derek Prince - The Result of Trusting in Our Own Efforts
Derek Prince - The Result of Trusting in Our Own Efforts
In our previous session of these studies in Hebrews I had just got into the beginning of Hebrews 11. I had actually read the first six verses but only commented fully on the first two verses. Now we're going to go on at verse 3 which is a [...]
Derek Prince - Faith Is The Assurance of Things Hoped For
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Derek Prince - Faith Is The Assurance of Things Hoped For
Derek Prince - Faith Is The Assurance of Things Hoped For
Can you believe it, we're going to begin chapter 11. This is a fantastic chapter. What I will do now is translate the first six verses and then we'll turn to our note outline. Now faith is a substance of things hoped for, a proof [or a [...]
Derek Prince - How To Live Out Your Faith
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Derek Prince - How To Live Out Your Faith
Derek Prince - How To Live Out Your Faith
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2 When you have repented, when you are believing, when you are confessing, there's one more thing you have to do. You have to act out your faith. James 2:26 says: Faith [...]
Derek Prince - You Don't Want To Silence Jesus By Doing This
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Derek Prince - You Don't Want To Silence Jesus By Doing This
Derek Prince - You Don't Want To Silence Jesus By Doing This
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2 Then we come to believe and confess. As I made my outline I didn't know whether to put confess before believe or believe before confess. In actual fact, in the New [...]
Derek Prince - Do This To Receive Complete Salvation
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Derek Prince - Do This To Receive Complete Salvation
Derek Prince - Do This To Receive Complete Salvation
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2 What I've described is what God has done, the provision He's made. I've told you already it's perfectly perfect, it's completely complete. But, it [...]
Derek Prince - You Are The Demonstration of God's Grace
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Derek Prince - You Are The Demonstration of God's Grace
Derek Prince - You Are The Demonstration of God's Grace
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2 All right. I want to share with you a beautiful thought which is there in Ephesians 2, the next verse. After it speaks about being made alive, resurrected, enthroned, it [...]
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