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Derek Prince - Don't Rely On Your Senses

Derek Prince - Don't Rely On Your Senses
TOPICS: Emotions

The enemies that we face are not persons of flesh and blood but they are invisible spirit beings. The theme that we are going to deal with in these talks concern things which are not discerned by human senses. The Bible speaks about things which Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, things that are invisible and spiritual. The things we are going to talk about can only be understood through the Scriptures. There is no other source of reliable information.

A lot of people imagine, I think, that the things we see, touch, hear and taste are the truly real things. Actually, all through the ages philosophers have come to the conclusion that they are not truly real. They are temporary, they are impermanent, and they are very often deceptive. You cannot rely on your senses. It is amazing how many different philosophers down the ages have come to that conclusion. The Bible says the same. Paul says that the things that are seen are temporary; the things which are not seen are eternal. In other words, the things of the sense world are only temporary. They are only partly real; they do not endure. But the things of the spiritual world that we cannot see, that we cannot perceive with our senses, are the truly real things. They are the things that endure.

So when we come to a theme like this we have to begin by making a mental adjustment and say to ourselves: I’m not going to limit myself to the things that I can see and touch and hear and taste, but I’m going to open my heart and mind to the revelation that is given me in Scripture through the Holy Spirit to things that are of a different world. Paul prayed for the Ephesian Christians that God would give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and I pray that for us here that God may grant us, as we open our hearts to His Word, a spirit of wisdom and revelation, because we are dealing with things that can only be known by revelation.
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