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Derek Prince - Honor The Lord With Your Wealth

Derek Prince - Honor The Lord With Your Wealth
TOPICS: Derek Prince Devotions

Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. - Proverbs 3:9-10, NIV

There are various ways that we can honor the Lord. We can honor the Lord by living a pure life, a holy life, by worshiping Him, by proclaiming His truth. But one very significant and important way to honor the Lord is with our wealth. By giving Him the first of all that He makes available to us – the financial and material provision always taking the Lord’s portion out first, and giving it back to Him. That’s to honor the Lord with our wealth.

And I have to tell you this: that with our wealth we either honor the Lord or we dishonor Him. There is no middle ground. If we are stingy, if we withhold the Lord’s portion, if we don’t give when the Holy Spirit prompts us to give, then we are dishonoring the Lord. But God says, Those that honor Me I will honor and He honors us back in the same way that we honor Him. If we honor Him financially, giving Him the first and the best, then He will see to it that our barns are filled and our vats overflow with the new wine.

So honor God and He will honor you. Do it in faith. Do it in obedience to His word. Do it in obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. If God is speaking to you just now and you need to honor Him, remember: if you honor Him with your wealth, He’ll see to it that you are cared for.
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