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Derek Prince - Faithful In Little Things

Derek Prince - Faithful In Little Things
TOPICS: Derek Prince Devotions, Faithfulness

"He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much" - (NASB).

Notice, the little things come before the big things. If you want to have responsibility committed to you in this life, whether it be by God or by man, cultivate faithfulness in the little things. Cultivate punctuality. Cultivate answering your letters. Cultivate keeping your promises, even if they are only apparently trivial things, because there is a God who is watching you. He’s assessing your character. He’s determining whether you are to be trusted with great things.

Some people have got all the words and all the qualifications but they never come up with results. Even if you have to find somebody to work for you or somebody to work with you, don’t go just by the big words and by their qualifications. Watch that person in small things. See how they handle the little responsibilities. Judge them by the way they behave when nobody’s watching them, when issues don’t seem big. Because the truth of the matter is, if they are faithful in small things, they will be faithful in the bigger things. But if they are unfaithful in the small things, then don’t commit to them the big things. That applies to those with whom you want to work. It applies to you, too. And it’s God’s way of assessing you and determining what you are really worth. He watches you in the small things and judges you from those.
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