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Creflo Dollar - Knowing God to Find His Will for Your Life

TOPICS: God's will

2 Peter chapter 1, verses 1 through 3. We'll start off there tonight. We've been talking about the benefits of knowing God. And I think you're really going to get a hold of this one tonight because if there's a number one request I get all the time, it's people asking, "How do I find the will of God for my life"? We kind of played around with that for some years until we finally got a hold of the primary and the most important part of what we do as a Christian, and that is our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything flows from your relationship with Jesus Christ, everything.

In fact, being a Christian should be about your intimate relationship with him, and we should exchange our knowledge about God for an intimate relationship with God. If that's missing, then you can always have a lot of questions. If that is missing, you will find yourself struggling trying to be a Christian instead of allowing your Christianity to be outflow of your relationship with Jesus. If you understand that say, "Amen". So let's start in 2 Peter chapter 1, verses 1 through 3, 2 Peter chapter 1 and verses 1 through 3. Let's read it out loud together. Ready? Read. "Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord".

So notice grace and peace can be multiplied. Verse 3, "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue". So all things are made available. Now, think about what we've done. Think about what we've done. We've defined our Christianity based on what we know about God when our Christianity needs to be defined by our intimate relationship with God. The blood of Jesus was shed so we can have an intimate relationship with God. Salvation is all about us being able to have an intimate relationship with God.

Now, you hear things like that and you say, "Yes. Amen". But I think the deeper and the more I stay into this, the more I'm realizing all of the things that flow out of that relationship, that without that relationship we're sweating and struggling to try to get something that should just kind of flow. It doesn't flow because we lack, you know, the first base, we lack the priority in this relationship. See, I believe that most of life's problems are solved through an intimate relationship with God. I believe that most of life's problems are solved through an intimate relationship with God. That's a radical statement. That's a radical statement. Because now you can come to me with all of the principles you know, and I'm not against principles, but I believe that something happens when that is first base, when that is priority, when that defines your Christianity.

When your Christianity is defined by a relationship with God and not by what church you go to and the things you do, but it's defined by your relationship with God, then you know what? All of that begins to flow out of the relationship with God. I believe your healing flows out of the relationship with God. I believe your transformation flows out of a relationship with God. I believe all of the things you don't want to do are replaced with the new want-tos that flows out of your relationship with God. I believe the fruit of the Spirit, we talked about walking in love, all of that flows out of your relationship with God.

Now, subtract a relationship with God out of your Christianity and what do you have? You have what you know. You have what you know. You have what you've learned. You have what you know. And for most people they start off with, "Let me see how much knowledge I can get about God". but it never translates into an intimate relationship with God. And I think what I'm trying to preach over these last months is that no problem with the mechanics, no problem with the principles except when it's in a place where it shouldn't be, the relationship with God, our relationship of God should be primary and the number one thing in our life as a Christian. My communion with God. And so I thought, "Man, it would really be cool if we have some really practical things we could do here with tonight".

So the first thing we looked at was revelation knowledge. The second benefit that we looked at was boldness, boldness. The third benefit, I think we did look at this last week, was sure success. Did we look at that last Wednesday? Sure success. I think we said something like, you know, where others have failed, you're going to win, and that comes out of your relationship with God. And so tonight I want to start with number four, the fourth benefit. Man, I'm proud of myself. You see, I got that. I was struggling trying to get that, but I got that at number four. Number four, this is the fourth benefit of knowing God and it is this. Revelation of his will for your life. Revelation of his will for your life.

It's the number one question I think people want to know. "What's the will of God for my life? How do I know that this is the will of God for my life"? It's the thing that millennials want to know right now. "What's number one? What do I do? Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing"? It's not that we've not answered or dealt with these questions in times' past, I've just never been satisfied with how it has been dealt with because, again, we were trying to deal with it from knowledge about God and it didn't flow from an intimate relationship with God. So I want to give you, once we get there, eight ways to know or to discover the will of God for your life as it flows from an intimate relationship with God, and they're so practical. I just recognized, I said, "Wow, if we would just start at that point, then everything flows like it's supposed to flow".

Let me share two Scriptures with you before we get into that. God does not want us to be uncertain about his will for our lives. He does not want us to be uncertain about his will for our lives and yet there are lots of people who go to church every Sunday they're still uncertain about God's will for their life, and I guarantee the number one prayer you're going to hear, "God, show me your will for my life". He wants you to be certain and sure and confident that you not only know the will of God for your life, but you understand how to walk in it every day. Well, that is a benefit that comes from knowing God. You know, somebody says, "Well, I want to know what I'm supposed to do here".

Well, that is a benefit that comes from knowing God. So what is it saying? A person who just refuses to have a relationship with God, you're asking for something that flows out of the relationship. Wow, that just really ministered to me. There's certain things that we have access to that flow out of the relationship that we have with the Father. Now, look at this. I want to look at John chapter 8, verse 12, in the New Living Translation and then in the Message Translation. John 8, verse 12 in the New Living Translation and then in the Message Translation. New Living Translation. He says, "Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, 'I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness because you will have the light that leads to life.'"

Did you see that? See, when you don't know the will of God for your life, you're what? You're walking in darkness. Right? And he says, "I'm the light of the world. If you follow me", that indicates a relationship with him, "If you follow me, you will have the light". And what comes out of that? "That leads to life". I like what he says in the Message Translation. Let's read that. John 8:12 out of the Message Translation. He says, "Jesus once again addressed them; 'I am the world's light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.'" I love that, man. That hit me. "I provide plenty of light to live in".

There's no reason for you to ever have to live your life not being aware of the will of God for your life, not knowing what you're supposed to be doing, not being in the dark on this and the dark on that. He says, "I provide plenty of light to live in". Well, if he provides plenty of light for me to live in, I want to live in that light, and there's just too many Christians that are living in darkness. They don't know what they're supposed to be doing, where they're supposed to be doing. None of that, and you have to understand the will of God. Where the will of God is known, that's where faith can begin. Your faith life doesn't start until the will of God is known, and you have to know it's the will of God for you to be certain about what you're supposed to do. You're not supposed to be living life in uncertainty where the will of God for your life is concerned, all right?

Now look at this other Scripture before I start. 1 Corinthians 2, verse 12; 1 Corinthians 2, verse 12. And in 1 Corinthians chapter 2, verse 12, I want to look at that in the same translations, the New Living Translation and the Message Translation. Now, again, it's God's will for you to know the will of God. You have to know that. He says in verse 12, "And we have received God's Spirit, not the world's spirit". Why? Why have we received God's Spirit? "So we can know the wonderful things God has freely given to us".

So the day you got born again, you received the Spirit of God. Why? So you can jerk-jiggle the screen? I think not. He gave you the Holy Spirit so he can let you in on, you know, exactly what you're supposed to be doing. The Spirit of God's going to be one of the guides and leadership in your life to show you what you're supposed to be doing. The message of the Message Translation, 1 Corinthians 2 and 12 says this: But he lets us in on it. He lets us in on it. "God offers a full report on the gifts of life and salvation that he is giving us". So God has a full report on what you're supposed to be doing. He's not trying to keep the report from you. He's got the full report and he wants to let you in on what you have been called to do.

Let me look at a couple more Scriptures. Romans 12, 1 and 2; Romans 12, 1 and 2. I don't mean to rush, but I want to get to these eight. Romans 12, 1 and 2. You're familiar me with this 'cause he talks about we can prove that perfect and acceptable will of God. He says, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service". Other one says, "Which is your spiritual worship". Another translation says. He says, "And to be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God". I can prove that if I'll live this worshipful life, a life of worship.

Now, let's look at this in the Message. If I live a life of worship, then I'm going to tap into the will of God for my life. He says, "So here's what I want you to do. God helping you, take your everyday, ordinary life: your sleeping, your eating, your going-to-work, and walking-around life and place it before God as an offering".

Now, you know what he's saying here? Everything you do, show people the value that you have for God. Show people how valuable God is to you. Man, that's powerful. "Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you". Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.

Now, we're going to get into that just a little bit more because I want to talk to you about that worship part. Because nobody ever really explained to me that this sacrifice here was really me displaying how valuable God is to me in my life, and when people see how valuable he is to me in my life, then he becomes valuable to them and, you know, value is something that's pretty important, okay? Let me show you one more Scripture and we'll get started. Ephesians 5:17. I had like what, five openings? Ephesians 5:17. Look what he says here in Ephesians 5:17. I want you to know the Bible talks a whole lot about the will of God, but each area talks about being an outpour, an outflow of your relationship with God. "Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is".

Understand what the will of the Lord is. So this is big, but what's even bigger than this is the fact that we kind of know where to start. Ain't no kind of to it. We know where to start. You want to locate the will of God for your life? It starts with a relationship with him. It starts with a relationship with him, and people are not willing to have the relationship with him. They're all over the place.

So here's how I want to do this tonight. I want to start with giving you some keys to knowing God's will for your life. Key number one, key number one, develop an intimate relationship with God. So I'll take everything I just said and kind of put it in order for you. Key number one... you want to know the will of God for your life? Number one key, develop an intimate relationship with God. You know how? By spending time in prayer, by talking to him, by reading his Word, by meditating on his Word, spending time with him. Proverbs 3, verse 5 through 6, I want to share this with you.

So number one, we want to trade our knowledge about God for an intimate relationship with God. An intimate relationship, you know, come into me and see... of course God already knows that, but how intimate and how vulnerable are you willing to get between you and God? While everybody else might not be getting the full truth, does God get it? Can you go to God and tell him, "Honestly". I love doing this. I love just getting totally naked with my truth with God. It's like he already knows anyway. So to be able to do that, he does something for me, he does something for me. And Proverbs 3:5 and 6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Don't lean to your own understanding. In all of your ways, all of your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path". That's relationship.

That's a powerful thing that he is saying. "Everything you do, acknowledge God". We read that like it's a church Scripture, but it's like, "You want a relationship with him, are you willing to acknowledge him in every way"? That's called waiting for the Lord, right? That's waiting for the Lord right there, and the Bible says he'll work for you and he'll be active, Isaiah 64 and 4, for those who will look to him first, for those who will wait for the Lord. And basically when I was reading this Scripture years ago, I never related it to waiting for the Lord. When he talks about, "In all your ways acknowledging him," man, that's a relationship.

I'm talking to God about every way. I am coming to God and I am needing him to consult me in every way. That is developing an intimate relationship. You're letting him into all of those ways. All of those ways, you're letting him in. And I thought, "Well, you know, maybe I'm being a little fanatical," but this is how the relationship is developed, the intimate relationship is developed. In all my ways I acknowledge him. Why? I want his directions. I want his directions. I don't care how small it is or how big it is, I want his direction. So now first base is set. Develop an intimate relationship with God by acknowledging him in all our ways. I trust him enough to acknowledge him in all my ways. I lean not into my own understanding. The implication is I lean on him. That's looking to him, all right? And he begins to direct my path. Now, that is set. Now we take the journey.

What's the second thing you do? Number two, you surrender your will to God. You're surrendering your will to God. Before God will begin to reveal his will to you, you must be committed to doing whatever it is that he desires for you to do. Why surrender his will to you when you ain't going to do it? Okay? God will not be willing or he'll be slow to show you his plan if he knows you will likely not do that plan anyway. So what happens when you surrender your will to God? You're showing God, "I'll do the plan if you show it to me. I'll carry out the will of God for my life if you show it to me". But we're not even doing, you know, what we know to do, and we're begging God to show us, you know, his will for our lives and we won't to surrender our will to God and we've got to do that.

Look again, Romans 12 begins to indicate that when we... in fact, let's go to Romans 12:1 and 2 again. I'll show you what this really means. When we say surrender to him, that's when he will begin to direct our steps. I believe that when we surrender to God and we become barefooted priests, then he starts directing our steps. "Acknowledge him in all thy ways and he will direct thy path". What are we doing? We're surrendering our will to him. Now, let's closely examine Romans chapter 12, verse 1 and 2. He says, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God".

Let's take this to the Amplified as we study this. Let's take it to the Amplified Romans 12, okay? "I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of all mercies of God to make a decisive dedication of your bodies, presenting all your members and faculties, as a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated, well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable, rational service," and here's what it is, "and spiritual worship". So he remakes this request of all of your life and he calls it spiritual worship.

Now, listen to this. Oh, let's go to verse 2. Verse 2, "Do not be conformed to this world, fashioned after, adapted to its external, superficial customs, but be transformed, changed by the entire renewal of your mind by its new ideals, its new attitudes so that you may prove for yourself what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God". So prove to yourself the perfect will of God, "even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect in his sight for you". The perfect will of God.

So you know verse 1 and verse 2 got something to do with us proving the perfect will of God for our lives. We have to figure out what he is saying here. I'm always digging into things that I thought I understood. I'm always digging into things that I thought I had down. I don't know if anybody else do that, but I cannot be satisfied with something I learned in the past because revelation is abundant, and he's wanting to give you more. And I'm so glad I didn't just stop and park at the last thing I understood about this thing. I want you to listen to this very carefully. The aim of these two verses is that all of life becomes worship. All of life becomes worship. To live your life in such a way that by what you say, by what you think, by what you feel, what you do with your arms, your lips, your eyes, your legs, and your hands all will show that he is more valuable than anything.

So, when I live that life of worship, everything I do displays how valuable he is to me. Oh my gosh. You know, everybody wants to be valued, right? What happens when you meet people who have not been valued? You understand what I'm saying? Something happens when you value a child or when you have been valued. There's a huge difference between people who have been valued throughout their life and those who have not. Take a woman who's not been valued compared to a woman who has been valued. And it almost brought tears to my eyes when I began to think about what it means to live a life of worship. It's not singing the song. It's not singing a slow song. To live a life of worship means that everything I do is gonna show how much I value God.

And I thought about that and immediately judged myself and said, "Now, wait a minute. I wanna be conscious of this. I wanna look at it. I wanna look at it". So, it's not it's not a matter of rule keeping anymore. Now it's a matter of living a life of worship. This is now coming out of my relationship with God. It is now saying, "I don't wanna not get drunk because there's a rule that says don't get drunk. I don't wanna get drunk because I'm trying to show you how much I value God". So all of a sudden getting drunk ain't no problem because I want to show the value that I have for him. Glory to God. Are you getting this? All right, now watch this. Now that's what worship is. It's showing God's value, supreme value, over all other things. Showing God's value, supreme value, over all other things.

Is that Scripture? Yeah, Matthew 6:33, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness," and then what happens? And then what? "All these things are added on". It's like, what are you doing in the relationship first that determines this outflow from the relationship? What flows out of the relationships? A lot of things we're trying to get to happen, they flow out of a intimate relationship with him. And what you cannot have an intimate relationship with God and you cannot have an intimate relationship with love and not wanna put that on display. How valuable is God to you? Just watch my life. He's valuable. He's so valuable to me, that's why I don't do that, 'cause it demonstrates the wrong thing. He is not cheap and meaningless. He's amazing and I want to display his value, not because it's the Christian thing to do, but because I have been in relationship with love and this is what's rubbed off on me. And while you're trying to make yourself be right by keeping rules, mine's just flowing out of a relationship with the love, and all of these things are the way I display my value.

That touched me so. That touched me so. That motivated me so, that that's why I don't wanna do like you see somebody else doing it, because I wanna display value. That's living a life of worship. You know, when Abraham took his son up to the mountain? It makes so much sense to me, and he says, "The lad and I are gonna go," and he used the word "worship," "and worship God and we'll come again". That's exactly what he did. He says, "I value you so much that I will do exactly what you're telling me to do, knowing that somehow you're gonna get me out".

So, my faith is no longer an issue. I don't have a hard time operating in faith, why? 'Cause I have a relationship with him and I wanna live a life of worship where I can display how valuable he is to me. Boy, I tell you what, these Wednesday night Bible studies are getting heavy for me, man. I'm having to hold back tears more, and more, and more. I mean, when you have a relationship with God, this is the ultimate. And once you know that, you become conscious of that. It's not condemnation for missing the mark, it's just a hunger and a thirst to display how valuable God is. He's valuable to me that I go to him first when a situation comes. He's valuable to me that I set time aside 'cause I wanna talk to him. He's valuable to me that I rearrange my schedule so I can go to a Bible study so I can learn more about him. I don't know if you ever heard that before, but that revelation there has never hit me like that.

I don't know if it's because of the series we've been talking about over the last month, but I'm like, "Yeah, God, that's what I wanna do". And so when he says that, "This is how I can prove that perfect, acceptable will of God," how do I prove that perfect and acceptable will of God? When I display his value in my life. And you know what flows out of that? There's no way in the world you're gonna live a life of worship and not end up doing the will of God for your life.

So, I wanted give an example. If you have a job, do your job in a way that shows that Christ that Christ is supremely valuable to you. If you have a job, I'm gonna do my job in a way to display that Christ has supreme value in my life. So, now I'm no longer working for man. I am not working for you to try to kiss up to you. I value God more than I value you, so I'm gonna be excellent in my job so that you can see. I'm not working hard to impress you. I'm working hard by this grace on this job so that you can see when you ask me why, 'cause I value him. It's a whole new motivation. It's a whole new why you do what you do. When your life becomes worship, God begins to look valuable to other people. Say this out loud, "Lord, help my life to become worship".

Ooh! What happens when your life becomes worship? No, I'm not talking about let us worship God. What happens when your life becomes worship and all you're doing is putting God on display? Oh my God, help me to put you on display today. Wow. When they look at you, it looks like you value God more than you value money, more than you value power, and more than you value illicit sex. When they look at you, the value seems pretty obvious. You're valuing God more than you're valuing anything else. That's powerful. That's powerful. Just let that sink in. You know, I'm hungry for revelation and insight more, and more, and more, so this doesn't get tired of me. It's like an adventure and it just won't stop. It's like this movie that won't end. And every year I think I got the "This is it," then the next year.

If you'll go back like ten years, we have been on this progression. The previous year prepared us for the next year, and that year prepared us for the next year, and that year prepared for the next year. I know why we had to know grace, 'cause if we didn't know grace, every time you do something wrong you'd feel too guilty and shameful to spend time with God. That's the number one reason that's run people away from spending time with God, is because they didn't know how to deal with the issues in their life, and they thought God was mad at 'em and hated 'em, and they saw it as hypocrisy, and they just decided, "Well, I'd just rather not say nothing to God then to spend time with him, because, I mean, look at what I did or what I didn't do". But now under grace, you can approach the throne of God as righteous people doing righteous things.

You know, the Bible tells us to renew our mind when we've already been renewed when we got born again, but it's the fact that I receive my identity, who I am, first, and then from my identity I can do what lines up with my identity. Paul talks like that all throughout the New Testament. He's telling you to do something that you already are, okay? Not to become which you already are, but now that you're already that, now you can do that, that particularly thing that he's talking about.

So, that's number two. Number three, obey what you already know to be his will. You want to find the will of God for your life? Obey what you already know to be his will. Let me give you an illustration, 1 Thessalonians chapter 4:3. Obey what you already know to be his will. I'm sure you can understand that. If you're not obeying what you already know to be his will, why in the world are you looking for the will of God for your life? 1 Thessalonians chapter 4:3, "For this is the will of God". Whoa, I can read that and get that. This is the will of God. "Even your sanctification, that you should abstain from fornication".

So, I know that's the will of God. You're not gonna be finding the will of God for your lives hopping in the sack with everybody, why? The issue is not, oh, you're so awful because you committed fornication. The issue is you won't even do this will of God, what do you think you're gonna do with the will of God for your life? So he's saying, look at how you're treating the will of God you already know. Imagine what you're gonna do with the will of God that you don't know that you're asking me to reveal to you.

So it's like, dude, I'm trying to use this to get you ready for the revealed will of God for your life, but you won't even do the will of God that you know. Man, have you put the will of God for your life on hold 'cause you can't figure out to do the will of God that you already know? There's another will of God. He says, "Be thankful and give thanks, for this is the will of God". And instead you murmur and complain. Something about doing the will of God that you know. So, start being thankful and start giving thanks. What are you doing? These are just steps closer to the personal will of God that you are seeking. If you understand that say amen.

Number four, number four, seek godly input. Man, there's just something about having some godly brothers, or sisters, fathers, and mothers in the Lord that you can get godly input. Nobody wants to talk to a fool when you're in trouble, amen? Look at Proverbs 11:14. Proverbs 11:14, godly counsel. Good, godly counsel. And I'm not saying it's the stuff you wanna hear all the time, but man, it helps to guide you into the will of God for your life, 'cause the mind of God can be gotten. He says, "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there's," what? "There's safety". In a multitude of counselors, you might start hearing things that are familiar with what you heard in prayer or something that you read in the Word.

It's nothing like when you hear a confirming Word, right? That God can speak through somebody and say some things to you that says, "Mmm," and it brings peace to you. Somebody says, "Well, how do I know if I really heard from God"? Well, you know, I think I taught that one time. Number one, if what somebody told you, does it line up with Word of God? Does it bring peace to your life when you hear it? Does it require faith? See, there's certain things that you can use to say, "Well, that's God," or "Yeah, that's what I've heard in the Scripture," or "Man, God spoke to me about that two months ago". And you know, you're just like, "Wow, this is helping to guide me towards the will of God for my life".

Number five, now this is something very practical. I put this in here because I think it needs to be heard. I took it from 1 Peter chapter 4:10. Number five, pay attention to how God has gifted you, or pay attention to how God has wired you up. 1 Peter chapter 4:10, let's look at that for a moment. It's like, pay attention to the stuff that you're good at or the things that you're gifted at. Don't ignore that. It's like he equipped you with that for a reason, and that is to be equipment for the will of God for your life. So, pay attention to the stuff you got. Pay attention to the equipment you have. It's the equipment you had before you got saved. It's the it's the equipment that you've always had. God put it on you so you could have it to carry out the personal will for your life.

1 Peter 4:10 says, "As every man has received the gift, even so minister," or serve, "the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God". So, he's basically saying that you've received a gift. Use it to serve. Use it to minister to one another. That comes by the grace of God. You didn't do anything to earn it. You were just gifted to do that. It's something that you already have, so pay attention to how he has gifted you. His plans for your life will relate to how he has already gifted you. His plans for your life will relate to how he's already gifted you. Question how has he already gifted you. Question pay attention to what you have already. You know, you know, can you sing? Pay attention to that. Do you seem to be a good person that can argue well? Pay attention to that. That's a good lawyer. You know, can you negotiate well? Pay attention to that. Can you run fast? Pay attention to that. Pay attention. Do you have a heart for people or a heart for the homeless? You have a heart for, pay attention to what you already have.

Everybody doesn't have what everybody has, so pay attention to what you have 'cause it's gonna be used in the will of God for your life. I was naturally a teacher. I'd teach a snail. I would whatever, you know, and when I couldn't find nobody to teach, I taught myself. I used to study for exams by closing the door and having an imaginary class, and I was the teacher teaching them. And in essence, I was teaching myself. And you know, I went and earned a degree in education and started teaching.

And so I was on my way, but that's not what God wanted me to teach. And in class one day, I taught for a little period of time, 10th through 12th grade social sciences, and there was a little bitty paragraph about the Apostle Paul, and when I saw it I got so excited I started speaking in tongues in class by mistake. It just slipped out. I didn't mean to do it. But I remember one student saying, "Mr. Dollar, what was that last part"? And I said, "You ain't gotta write that down. Don't worry about that". Oh man, but then he began to lead and guide. "All right, you have the gift. Now let me help you to find out where to use it. Let me help you to find out where to use it".

God ain't never gonna give you something that he hadn't already planned on exactly how he gonna use it. But how he's gonna use it is born out of an intimate relationship with him. It's not born out of you trying to, you know, go listen to seminars on the habits of millionaires. I'm not gonna study your habit and then try to take your habit. You know, here are the seven habits of the richest people in the world. I don't care about your habits. I wanna get with God and create a habit of having a relationship with him, and he will give me something authentic. It's just amazing how desperate people are that they will actually buy the habits of this dude and ignore their own blueprint.

Okay, number six. Oh man, we're gonna finish this. Well, we've still got two more of those other things to go, but we're gonna finish something. Number six, listen to God's Spirit. Shut yourself up in prayer time. This is really gonna bless you. I want you to literally try this. When you talk about listening to God's Spirit and you start meditating on the Word, here's what I want you to do. Meditate on the question you have. Sometimes I'll be sitting there and I'll be meditating on the question that I have, and just pause and meditate on the question, and next thing you know, God is talking to me about the answer. You know, I told you a story about impact. Oh Lord, how can I have more impact? Lord, how I can have more impact? Now, listen. And I hear. Define impact as you see it. And he said something, and I was like, next thing you know I'm having this conversation with God over this question. I tell you, he'll talk to you.