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Creflo Dollar — Understanding God's Design for Your Life

Somebody says, "Well, how can a sinner be gone and I'm still sinning?" The sinner is gone, you're still sinning because when you got born again you never reprogrammed your mind with the Word.

The sinner is gone, you're still sinning because you never got the new download. The sinner is gone, you're still sinning because you've not renewed your mind.

The Bible says, "Renew your mind so you can prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." If you don't renew your mind, the sinner could be gone and it is, the new creation can be alive and it is, but if you don't renew your mind guess what happens? You'll still sin.

Christ in you is your right to earnestly expect healing, expect deliverance, expect promotion, expect anything because the focus has got to be Christ in you and you in Christ. Which means in Christ, you ain't got to put up with nothing.

In Christ, you can call those things that be not as though they were. In Christ, you can say unto a mountain, "Be thou removed," and it has to be removed.

In Christ, you can speak to sickness, and it's got to go. In Christ, you can heal the sick, raise the dead, cast that devil, glory be to God, in Christ. I'm a world changer.
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