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Creflo Dollar — Joy: The Key to Restoration

TOPICS: Joy, Restoration

If there's anything that's ever been captive in your life. I don't know what's been captive in your life; I don't know if your money's under captivity. I don't know if it's your faith under captivity; I don't know what's been captive, praise God, but God said, "Come to my house and walk in right! Praise the Lord, for His mercy endureth forever!

And I will cause to return unto you everything that was captive! I'll get it back to you just like it was before it was taken." I get joy when I know what the Word of God says. I get joy when I know the Word of God is my faith.

I get joy when I know what the Word of God says. Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, and don't stop giving thanks. Oh, my goodness. You've got a formula right there if you're looking for a formula. Rejoice forevermore, pray without ceasing, and don't forget to give thanks.

Now, the Bible establishes in Nehemiah that joy is strength. "The joy of the Lord is your strength." So whenever you're weak and you need strength, he says joy is strength. See, there's a relationship between strength and joy.

The Lord God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds' feet.

What does hinds' feet do? They make you to walk upon high places. It is time for you to walk upon high places; and then while you're walking there, ask yourself, "O God, how did I get here?"
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