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Creflo Dollar - The Worthy Walk - Part 2

Creflo Dollar - The Worthy Walk - Part 2

The Holy Spirit has been given as a seal for this, and as a guarantee that the inheritance shall be received. That's why he gave us the Holy Spirit. Not for us to clown around at church. That was his seal. That was his guarantee to let you know that the inheritance promised is real. Now, let's ease to this next thing. Put your seatbelts on. How did God do this, and why did God do this? How and why did he do this? Called us, gave us an inheritance, was determined to make every believer sons, did it all through his mercy and his grace, did not want you to bring nothin' to the table. He just wants you to receive it.

Now look at this: Ephesians chapter 2 verses 4 through 6 in the NLT. Follow me very carefully here. This is big. I won't finish the sermon today, but this is big. Verse 4: "But God is so rich in mercy," you don't even understand what he's just sayin' here/ Here's what God said. He said every time you did somethin' stupid and you deserve bad, it didn't happen 'cause he's so rich in mercy. Mercy is the bad you deserve, you don't get. And God says, "I'm rich and that's why you ain't got it yet. 'Cause I'm filthy rich in mercy. I done had mercy on your sins. I done had mercy on your crazy. I done had mercy on your foolishness. I done had mercy on your dumb talkin'. I done had mercy on your disobedience. I done had mercy on your violence. I done had mercy; I'm rich in mercy". He's rich in mercy.

So while you're sitting around waiting on the bad, realize that I'm a son. I have an inheritance. I've been born into this royalty. He is my Father. He is rich in mercy and he loved us so much. "He loved us so much that even though we were dead because of our sins," watch this love, "he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God's grace that you have been saved!)" You ain't saved 'cause you good. You ain't saved 'cause you awesome. You ain't saved 'cause you deserve it. You ain't saved 'cause you come to church. You ain't saved for none of that. You saved because God's grace raised Jesus from the dead so you can get somethin' you wouldn't be able to get until God's grace showed up and raised Jesus from the dead. If he didn't raise Jesus from the dead, all of us would be hell bound.

"For he raised us from the dead along with Christ," watch this, "and seated us with him in heavenly realms," you're blessed when our spiritual blessings in heavenly places, "seated us with him in heavenly realm because we are united with Christ". You can't be united with Christ and be treated differently than Christ. Somebody said that's heresy. I'm readin' the Bible. You're united when Christ, when Christ got up, you got up. When Christ sat down on the right hand, you sat down on... That's why he said when you see him, you gon' be just like him because you gon' see him as you are. Do you get the fullness of what has happened? He united me with Christ. I'm anointed because I'm united with the anointed one. And you sittin' up there lettin' burdens and yokes destroy your life when you have an anointing to remove the burden and destroy the yoke.

In fact, you don't even know this, but Christ was not Jesus's last name. Christ is the anointed he has anointed. But now when we were united with Christ, I'ma go on and take it, that is my last name. Creflo Dollar Christ. This is the most dangerous message you'll ever hear. Satan and his demons are screamin' and plotting and planning to get you to throw all of this up and not believe it. But from this day forward, I no longer move as a mortal man. I am a son of God with an inheritance and with all rights and privileges, I mean, think about it. The only reason you're righteous is 'cause he's righteous and you're united with him. Whatever he is, I am. But that's hard for you to receive 'cause your conduct hasn't matched your stance yet. You still bein' distracted by your conduct.

You still bein' distracted because the fable lies Christianity that's been preached to you, you're tryin' to line up with the fable instead of linin' up with what Jesus has done before the foundations of the earth. And you're struggling to accept your royalty. I can't afford to do that no more. 'Cause if he get in my mind and get me to thinkin' I got to earn somethin' that all I got to do is receive, that I gotta try to make somethin' happen that he's already made happen, if I get that, I'm'on start struggling in that area and they're producing doubt of my very identity. Everything'll fall in place if I can settle this one issue. This is who I am. No more of this church playin' stuff to see who can outdo stuff.

"Well, you know, Brother Dollar, I fast for three days and I pray for one hour..." Quit countin' all that stuff. Quit, that's the problem now, you're countin' stuff and putting check lists together. Just go ahead and pray to God. Go ahead and do what you need to for the Lord. If it's three minutes, five minutes, have an authentic relationship as a son of God with a heavenly Father who's adopted you before the foundations of the world, and realize who you are. Stop all that countin'. Put that clock up. Have you not prayed for me for one hour? Stop it! "Well I'm not always gon' pray, fast, but one day I'm'on pray, I'ma fast 40 days". Quit countin'! You tryin' to count to do stuff that's already been done! Stop! Stop the countin'! Stop it! Just learn how to be. Learn how to be. Learn how to be anointed. Learn how to be healed. Learn how to be prosperous. Learn how to be, praise God.

"I go to church five times a week". Stop it. What, you really think you gon' get somethin' for it? He done already gave you everything. He gave you his Son. And if he gave you his Son, he'll give you everything else. Stop it. I can't hardly be human up here because if I say one thing you don't like, I done said 555,000 things that were good, but one thing, "I'm leavin' the church". What? I'm still a son. And you still a son. "I'm not gon' crucify you". "Well, you goin' to hell 'cause you did that". Quit puttin' folks in hell. Jesus died to get 'em out. You puttin' 'em back in. Quit puttin' folks in hell. You just be lookin' around puttin' folks in hell. Then you use YouTube to announce, "They in hell. They in hell. They in hell". I can't say that.

All right, all right, lemme see. This thing gon' bless you. Oh my God, this thing gon', oh God. I'm tryin' to get ready for this, boy. This thing, hoo! I was studyin' this; I cried half the mornin' when I saw this. I said, "Oh, Lord have mercy". Now follow me, now. You've done so good so far, now is not the time to nod. I'll admit I'm the king of noddin'. I'll be watchin' somethin' on TV and I wake up and the credits were flowin'. I'm like, "Oh, Lawd"! Taffi said, "What you gettin' ready to do"? "I'm fittin' to watch a movie that'll make me sleep". God has done all of this purely because of his mercy and because of his great love. No human merit.

What do I mean? No being good or worthy to deserve it. No human merit entered in here. It was when we were spiritually dead and trespassers in sin. And even more, he has made us to sit together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. The very place where God set Christ when he raised him from the dead, this position, which is far above all principalities, it's far above all powers, all might, all dominion, far above every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come. Ephesians 1:20 and 21. So now, here again is this exalted, or emphasis on this exalted position of the believer. Why are you doing this? Why are you adopting me as a son so I can be born with privilege? Privilege I didn't deserve.

You ever look at somebody and try to figure out, "Well, why they get blessed"? 'Cause favor ain't fair. Quit tryin' to compare it. You ready? Here it is. Ephesians 2:7. God purpose in all of this, Ephesians 2:7. Why did you do it? Let's read it in King James and then the NLT. Let's do it that way. Ephesians 2:7. Oh, Lawd, why did you do it Lord? "So that in the ages to come, that he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us through Jesus Christ". That's how we read it. It didn't even mean nothin'. Look at this in the NLT, and then I'm'on show you why he did it. "So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness towards us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ".

Here's why he did it. He said in all of the upcoming ages to come, all of us are his examples of the incredible wealth of his grace, so he can point to you and say, "You think all of what you did was something? These are all who did nothing to be here, but to receive by grace everything I did for them". For eternity, you and I will be objects of God's grace, mercy, and kindness. He said, "I did it 'cause I'm'on be showin' everybody else the riches of my grace and my mercy".

Now, think about this. For the rest of eternity, we all will be examples and objects of his grace and mercy that he will point out to the ages to come and say to them, "You don't think I could do it? Look at them. None of them deserved nothin' that they got, but they believed Jesus, and look at the riches of my mercy and my grace". That's why you gotta stop sendin' people to hell. For eternity, we will be examples of his grace. Objects of the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness towards us through Jesus Christ. What a position. What a calling.

I started thinkin' about this. I was like, "Wait a minute. So you doin' all of this so you can point to me and say, 'That was a no good for nothin' sinner; that was a crazy, crooked robber; that was a whoremongering serving man right there; that person kept getting' saved every weekend". But there's one thing about it. In all they crazy, they kept believin' in Jesus. The devil could not separate them from the love of God. Tribulation couldn't separate them from the love of God. Persecution couldn't separate them from the love of God. Sickness and poverty and hard times and divorce, nothing could separate them from the love of God. No matter what the devil threw at 'em, they couldn't take 'em away from the love of God. Neither things on the earth, nothing could take 'em away.

Therefore... since you are a son of God, since you have undeserved privilege, since you have an inheritance, since you are going to be the object of his grace and mercy, since all of these things have been done before the foundation of the world and you didn't have nothin' to do with it, therefore, I beseech you, hallelujah, to walk worthy. Walk worthy. Walk worthy of the call. Since you're already good, lie not one to another. Since you're already good, forgive one another. Don't walk in bitterness one another. Therefore, I beseech you by the mercies of God to walk worthy of the calling that you've been called.

What is my calling? As a member of the family, to accept and align with all that grace has made available for me. That is my heavenly calling, which means I automatically have to move to a heavenly plane, 'cause I'm not gon' be able to do this conduct part without him. So next week, I'm'on show you the worthy walk. Therefore, mature in the Lord. Yeah. Therefore, lie not one to another. If your hand stole, don't steal no more. Why? 'Cause you're learnin' how to conduct yourself as royalty, a chosen generation, a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, called outta darkness into the light so we can offer unto him praise. Why're we just offering praise? 'Cause it's all done. I'm'on praise him. That's part one. You get anything outta that this mornin'?