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Billy Graham - Biblical Peace
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Billy Graham - Biblical Peace
Billy Graham - Biblical Peace
I don’t know how you feel, but I feel proud tonight to be an American. This year, most of our crusades have been abroad, and we have been in various parts of the world holding evangelistic crusades like this Next year, We are staying the entire year [...]
Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
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Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
I'm going to ask you to turn with me to the third chapter of the book of Genesis. And at the end of that chapter it says this: "And the Lord God said, behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put [...]
Billy Graham - Hanging Loose
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Billy Graham - Hanging Loose
Billy Graham - Hanging Loose
Now, I want you to turn with me to Luke to 14th chapter Luke, the 14th chapter, beginning at verse 25. And there went great Multitudes with him. Notice great multitudes as a great multitude here tonight, in spite of the fact that here at Tampa [...]
Billy Graham - Peace in Our Time
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Billy Graham - Peace in Our Time
Billy Graham - Peace in Our Time
I don't know how you feel, but I feel proud tonight to be an American. This year, most of our crusades have been abroad, and we have been in various parts of the world holding evangelistic crusades like this Next year, We are staying the entire [...]
Billy Graham - The Hands of Jesus
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Billy Graham - The Hands of Jesus
Billy Graham - The Hands of Jesus
Now I want you to turn with me to the 20th chapter of the book of John, the 20th chapter of the book of John beginning with the 24th verse. "But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples [...]
Billy Graham - September 11 and the Love of God
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Billy Graham - September 11 and the Love of God
Billy Graham - September 11 and the Love of God
George Beverly Shea... Then the other person that was with me standing here was my son, Franklin, and Franklin will be... He just finished a mission in Recife, Brazil, and the last night they had 81,000 people. and then he flew to New York and he [...]
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
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Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
I want us to turn tonight to the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians. "And I brethren, if I preach works, if I preach legalism, why do I suffer persecution? Then is the offense of the cross ceased". Now we're living at a moment in [...]
Billy Graham - Fools
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Billy Graham - Fools
Billy Graham - Fools
I'm sure that by now all of you that are watching by television know that we're at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. I want to speak on the subject of fools. F-O-O-L-S. You member, Anthony Newley, saying What kind of a [...]
Billy Graham - Dead Men Tell No Tales
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Billy Graham - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Billy Graham - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Now, tonight I want to speak on John's gospel, the 11th chapter, the 25th verse. And Jesus is speaking to Martha, Lazarus has died, and Lazarus is in the tomb, and Jesus is trying to comfort Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus. And [...]
Billy Graham - The Credibility Gap
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Billy Graham - The Credibility Gap
Billy Graham - The Credibility Gap
Now, I want you to turn with me, if you will, to the 18th chapter of John's gospel, verse 37 and 38. Just a phrase or two. I want to speak today on the subject "The Credibility Gap". The Credibility Gap. We hear a great deal today [...]
Billy Graham - Deathbed Conversion
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Billy Graham - Deathbed Conversion
Billy Graham - Deathbed Conversion
Tonight, I want you to turn with me to the 22nd chapter of the book of Luke. The 23rd chapter, pardon me. The 23rd chapter of the book of Luke, beginning at verse 39. "And one of the malefactors, which were hanged, railed on him saying, If thou [...]
Billy Graham - Will the World Survive?
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Billy Graham - Will the World Survive?
Billy Graham - Will the World Survive?
Now I want you to turn with me to the 24th chapter of Matthew. The 24th chapter of Matthew, beginning at verse 36. The 24th chapter of Matthew, beginning at verse 36. "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but [...]
Billy Graham - Hope for a Changing World
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Billy Graham - Hope for a Changing World
Billy Graham - Hope for a Changing World
Our world is changing so rapidly and I want to speak tonight on things that never change. I want you to turn with me to the 12th chapter of Hebrews, beginning with verse 26, talking about Mt. Sinai, when Moses was receiving the law. It says, [...]
Billy Graham - Blood, Sweat and Tears to Salvation
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Billy Graham - Blood, Sweat and Tears to Salvation
Billy Graham - Blood, Sweat and Tears to Salvation
Now the nineth chapter of Hebrews. Hebrews, the nineth chapter, the twenty-second verse. These words, "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness". No remission. And [...]
Billy Graham - The Young and Rebellious
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Billy Graham - The Young and Rebellious
Billy Graham - The Young and Rebellious
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the 15th chapter of Luke's gospel. Jesus tells three stories. First he tells the story of a lost sheep. A man had a hundred sheep, and one of them got lost. Now he was lost through his own stupidity, [...]
Billy Graham - You Have to Choose
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Billy Graham - You Have to Choose
Billy Graham - You Have to Choose
To you that are watching by television, this great stadium here at San Jose University, in the Southern area of San Francisco bay, in San Jose, is filled to overflowing. There are a few empty seats here and there, but if you took the people on the [...]
Billy Graham - Who Do You Serve?
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Billy Graham - Who Do You Serve?
Billy Graham - Who Do You Serve?
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the third chapter of Daniel. Now, at this time, Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon and he was the greatest of all the kings probably that ever lived. And he conquered Jerusalem. and he takes some Jewish [...]
Billy Graham - Zacchaeus
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Billy Graham - Zacchaeus
Billy Graham - Zacchaeus
Now, tonight I want you to turn with me to the 19th chapter of Luke's Gospel, the 19th chapter. Jesus is passing through Jericho at this point in scripture. And a blind man screamed out and said, "Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy upon [...]
Billy Graham - The High Cost of Following Christ
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Billy Graham - The High Cost of Following Christ
Billy Graham - The High Cost of Following Christ
You that are watching by television already know, I suppose, that we're in the Tangerine Bowl in Orlando, Florida. Tonight, I want to talk to young people primarily on "Counting the cost". What it costs to follow Jesus Christ. [...]
Billy Graham - Life After Death
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Billy Graham - Life After Death
Billy Graham - Life After Death
Now tonight I want you turn with me to Job the fourteenth chapter and the fourteenth verse, Job the fourteenth chapter, and the fourteenth verse. Now Job is in the Old Testament and it’s the oldest book in the world. There is no known book in the [...]
Billy Graham - What Is the World Coming to?
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Billy Graham - What Is the World Coming to?
Billy Graham - What Is the World Coming to?
I want you to turn with me to Luke, the 21st chapter, verses 25 through 28. Luke 21. "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves [...]
Billy Graham - The Necessity of the Cross
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Billy Graham - The Necessity of the Cross
Billy Graham - The Necessity of the Cross
Tonight, I want you to turn with me to Galatians, the sixth chapter and the fourteenth verse. Just one verse of Scripture. "But God forbid, that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom the world is crucified unto me [...]
Billy Graham - The Eternal Contemporary
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Billy Graham - The Eternal Contemporary
Billy Graham - The Eternal Contemporary
Today, I want you to turn with me to the fourth chapter of Luke's gospel. But in the fourth chapter of Luke's gospel, beginning with verse 16, we read these words, "And Jesus came to Nazareth where he had been brought up. And as his [...]
Billy Graham - Christ Is Our Hope
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Billy Graham - Christ Is Our Hope
Billy Graham - Christ Is Our Hope
Is it possible that man, with his fallen human nature, can bring about peace in our world? Winston Churchill said, "No". Winston Churchill said that our morals are lagging far behind our technological advance. Just think what’s happened in [...]
Billy Graham - The Death and Resurrection of Christ
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Billy Graham - The Death and Resurrection of Christ
Billy Graham - The Death and Resurrection of Christ
My message is going to be brief, and my text is going to be Luke the 23rd chapter beginning at verse 42. "Remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, 'Verily, I say unto thee, today thou shall be with me in [...]
Billy Graham - Loneliness
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Billy Graham - Loneliness
Billy Graham - Loneliness
Now, tonight, the 102nd Psalm and beginning with verse five, well, say just six, "I'm like a pelican of the wilderness, I'm like an owl of the desert. I watch and am as a sparrow, alone, upon the housetop". Today, I went for a [...]
Billy Graham - The New Birth
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Billy Graham - The New Birth
Billy Graham - The New Birth
Now I want you to turn with me tonight to the third chapter of John's Gospel. This man, Nicodemus, came to Jesus by night. Probably afraid of criticism or he had a desire for a private conversation, or maybe he wanted to give some more thought [...]
Billy Graham - The Temptations of Christ
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Billy Graham - The Temptations of Christ
Billy Graham - The Temptations of Christ
Now, tonight, I want to talk about the temptations of Christ. I want you to turn with me to the fourth chapter of the book of Matthew and starting with the first verse. These words. I want to talk about the temptations of Jesus tonight. "Then [...]
Billy Graham - The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
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Billy Graham - The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Billy Graham - The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Tonight I want you to turn with me to the 14th chapter of John and I want you to turn to the 16th verse. Now I have several scriptures I'd like to read, but I'm just going to limit myself to this particular scripture, the 14th chapter of [...]
Billy Graham - The Brevity of Time
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Billy Graham - The Brevity of Time
Billy Graham - The Brevity of Time
Now, tonight, I've been in a quandary as to what I should speak about, but also, I was thinking this morning, when I woke up, what I would do if I had life to live over again. What would I do if I had it to live over again? And I find in First [...]
Billy Graham - Starting Life Over Again
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Billy Graham - Starting Life Over Again
Billy Graham - Starting Life Over Again
I want us to turn to the second chapter of John's Gospel, beginning with verse twenty-three. Jesus had been traveling throughout the land of Palestine. He'd been in, now he's in Galilee. And then he went on his way to Jerusalem, to [...]
Billy Graham - Is the End of the World Close?
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Billy Graham - Is the End of the World Close?
Billy Graham - Is the End of the World Close?
Now today I want you to turn with me to II Peter the second chapter beginning with verse five. I hope you brought your Bibles because we want to talk about a very important subject today. The judgment of God, the love of God, and the coming again of [...]
Billy Graham - House of Mercy
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Billy Graham - House of Mercy
Billy Graham - House of Mercy
Now I want you to turn with me tonight to the 5th chapter of John's Gospel, to the 5th chapter of John's Gospel, the 5th chapter of John's Gospel. I won't read it to you, I'll just tell you the story. And you will be able to [...]
Billy Graham - When the Chips Are Down, Can You Survive?
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Billy Graham - When the Chips Are Down, Can You Survive?
Billy Graham - When the Chips Are Down, Can You Survive?
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the third chapter of Daniel. Now, at this time, Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon and he was the greatest of all the kings probably that ever lived. And he conquered Jerusalem. and he takes some Jewish [...]
Billy Graham - What Is Truth?
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Billy Graham - What Is Truth?
Billy Graham - What Is Truth?
Pilate asks the question, "What is truth"? And truth, not facts are what we're talking about tonight, and there's a difference. Facts are not necessarily the truth. They are the best we know at the time, but today's [...]
Billy Graham - The Holy Spirit and You
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Billy Graham - The Holy Spirit and You
Billy Graham - The Holy Spirit and You
And now tonight, I want you to turn to that passage that Ralph Bell read to us a moment ago. He talked about the comforter, and that comes from a Greek word, and I'm not a Greek scholar, please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to [...]
Billy Graham - The Greatest Revival in History
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Billy Graham - The Greatest Revival in History
Billy Graham - The Greatest Revival in History
Now tonight, the twelfth chapter of Matthew, Matthew, the twelfth chapter. "Then certain of the scribes and of the pharisees answered saying, master, we would see a sign from thee. But he answered and said unto them an evil and adulterous [...]
Billy Graham - The Good Samaritan
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Billy Graham - The Good Samaritan
Billy Graham - The Good Samaritan
Now I want you to turn with me tonight to the 10th chapter of Luke. A very familiar passage that every young person here will relate to: young and old. The 10th chapter of Luke, beginning at the 25th verse, "And behold, a certain lawyer stood [...]
Billy Graham - Go Tell It From the Mountains (Christmas Message)
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Billy Graham - Go Tell It From the Mountains (Christmas Message)
Billy Graham - Go Tell It From the Mountains (Christmas Message)
Some months ago I flew over a little town in the beautiful Austrian Alps. As I looked down from 30,000 feet I could not help but remember that scene 160 years ago. It was Christmas Eve, and in Oberndorf, the reverend Joseph Mohr, the 26-year-old [...]
Billy Graham - Why I Am An Optimist?
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Billy Graham - Why I Am An Optimist?
Billy Graham - Why I Am An Optimist?
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the 102nd Psalm. The 102nd Psalm, and a very strange verse in a way, the fifth through the, the sixth and seventh verses. "I'm like a pelican in the wilderness. I'm like an owl of the desert. [...]
Billy Graham - Sex, Power, Riches and Materialism
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Billy Graham - Sex, Power, Riches and Materialism
Billy Graham - Sex, Power, Riches and Materialism
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the 12th chapter of Matthew. The 12th chapter of Matthew, and beginning at verse 38. Somebody asked me what version I'm using. I'm using the same one Paul used - the King James version. You know, [...]
Billy Graham - When God Gets Your Attention
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Billy Graham - When God Gets Your Attention
Billy Graham - When God Gets Your Attention
Now I want to take as our text tonight, a passage in the 12th chapter of Hebrews. These words: "And this word, yet once more signifieth the removing of all those things that are shaken as of things that are made, but those things which cannot [...]
Billy Graham - How to Live Forever
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Billy Graham - How to Live Forever
Billy Graham - How to Live Forever
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to first John the fifth chapter. "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life and that ye may believe on the name of the Son [...]
Billy Graham - Choices
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Billy Graham - Choices
Billy Graham - Choices
To you that are watching by television, this great stadium here at San Jose university, in the southern area of San Francisco bay, in San Jose, is filled to overflowing. There are a few empty seats here and there, but if you took the people on the [...]
Billy Graham - A Cure for Heart Trouble
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Billy Graham - A Cure for Heart Trouble
Billy Graham - A Cure for Heart Trouble
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the 22nd chapter of Matthew's gospel. And I want to speak on the subject "A Cure for Heart Trouble". "Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him and saying, [...]
Billy Graham - Will Our World End?
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Billy Graham - Will Our World End?
Billy Graham - Will Our World End?
For our message this evening I want you to turn with me to the 21st chapter of Luke. The 21st chapter of Luke. That's the third book in the New Testament and beginning at verse 7. "And they asked him, saying, master, but when shall these [...]
Billy Graham - Whose Fool Are You?
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Billy Graham - Whose Fool Are You?
Billy Graham - Whose Fool Are You?
Tonight, I want to talk on fools. And I want you to turn with me to the third chapter of I Corinthians, beginning with the 18th verse: "Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world let him become a fool that [...]
Billy Graham - What's Wrong With the World?
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Billy Graham - What's Wrong With the World?
Billy Graham - What's Wrong With the World?
Now tonight I want you turn with me to Job the fourteenth chapter and the fourteenth verse, Job the fourteenth chapter, and the fourteenth verse. Now Job is in the Old Testament and it’s the oldest book in the world. There is no known book in the [...]
Billy Graham - What You Cannot Do Without
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Billy Graham - What You Cannot Do Without
Billy Graham - What You Cannot Do Without
Now I want you to turn with me if you will to the ninth chapter of the Book of Hebrews. The ninth chapter of the Book of Hebrews. And I'll come to the text a little bit later. I want to speak tonight on the subject, three things, three things [...]
Billy Graham - Visibility Zero
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Billy Graham - Visibility Zero
Billy Graham - Visibility Zero
Tonight I want to speak about a blind man in the Bible that came in contact with Jesus. It's found in the 10th chapter of Mark's Gospel, the 10th chapter of Mark's Gospel. Beginning with verse 46, "And they came to Jericho. And [...]
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