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Bill Winston - Be Fruitful

Bill Winston - Be Fruitful
Bill Winston - Be Fruitful

See, you don't need to hang around to see if the Word works. God just wants a vessel to get his word through so that his word, he can bring his word to pass. And we call it being fruitful. It's manifesting what God has already spoken already done, or already promised. So the word is an all controlling seed. Say all controlling seed. The word is also creative. The word is also creative. Now you can see a couple of places with this, because you could see here in Matthew's gospel, chapter 15 in verse 29. And Jesus departed from this. And he came nigh to the sea of Galilee and he went up into a mountain and sat down there and great multitudes came to him, having with them that those that were what? Lame come on, blind, dumb, come on, maimed.

Let's stop right there, maimed. Right? So they didn't have any limbs or something was missing. Could have been an organ, whatever. And they put them down at Jesus's feet. And what did he do? He healed them. In so much that the multitudes wondered when they saw the dumb to speak and the maimed to be made whole, underline that because now he told me to be fruitful. He's got me being fruitful. Now he's got me as a walking tree. Mark chapter 8, please. And look at verse 24. And this is when Jesus put his hand on a man to get him healed. And the man, he took him out of the city first, and the man was blind and he put his hand on him. And then he told him to look up. What do you see? And the man said, behold, I see men as trees walking.

So then the Bible says, and then he put his hands again upon him, his eyes. And he made him look up and he was restored and saw everything clearly. Wow. Now watch this. Say be fruitful. Jesus was bearing fruit of righteousness. Fruit of right... what's fruit of righteousness? Feeding the poor, healing the sick. These are fruits of righteousness. Where can I find that word? Second Corinthians, please. In chapter 9 and verse 10. Now he that ministers seed to the sower both ministers bread for your food and multiply. your seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness. Fruits of righteousness.

Proverbs 12:12, Fruits of righteousness. In Proverbs 12:12, "The wicked desireth the net of evil men, but the root of the righteous", what? What does it yield? Yields fruit. Yields fruit. Now, wait a minute. The man saw something when Jesus laid His hand on him at first, so are you saying that Jesus didn't heal the man? Oh, yeah, he healed him. But He was showing this man, first, his spiritual DNA. See, He was showing him that, "Wait a minute! First, you've been designed by God to be a tree". And a tree is a producer. And you've been designed to be a tree that walks. And any time you've seen the word, "Walk", in the Hebrew reference, it means, "Spiritual authority". Got it? It means maturity. Because a baby can't walk. But when you grow up in the church, you can walk. "Rise, take up your bed and walk". "Walk around the city of Jericho for seven days".

See it's all maturity. And I'm just saying that you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, praise God. My point to you is, is one of my jobs is to take you from milk to meat. It's to make it so you can walk, make it so you're not dependent on somebody else to pray for you. But now you're working to pray for somebody else. And notice what He did. Now say, "Be fruitful". He is demonstrating fruitfulness because He's following the command of the Father. He's following the command that He gave Adam in the beginning, and He's continuing that because Adam sinned and dropped the whole thing. But Satan picked it up, because he knows these four steps, fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, are guaranteed success.

Now Satan is using them on a natural level. But once you get to God, He said something before fruitful to you. He said, "And God blessed them". Now He's taking your fruitfulness to another level. Genesis chapter one, verse 28, "And God blessed them. And God said unto them, 'Be fruitful.'" Satan uses the things of God because he knows they work. But he takes the blood out, the name out, the holy ghost out, and makes them function at a natural level. But you are the church. And you are on a super natural level. You got the Holy Ghost. You can do things a man can't do. Satan's man can't walk on water. But the Word is creative.

So Jesus can use the fruitfulness of the power of the Word of God, and actually did manifest a limb in this man's life. Same amen to this. He can manifest... You can't do that with the natural. You can't get there. See, in the natural, you might've had to go through all of this to get there. Lord have mercy. Say, "The word". "Is creative". Let's look at John chapter two and look at verse one. "And the third day, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. And both Jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage. And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus said to him, 'They have no wine.' And Jesus said unto her, 'Woman, what have I to do with thee? My hour's not yet come.' And his mother said unto the servants, 'Whatever he says to you, just do it.'"

And there were set there six water pots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece that's 20 or 30 gallons. And Jesus said unto them, what? "Fill the water pots with water". And they filled them with water to the brim. And he said, unto them, "draw out now, and bare to the what? Governor of the feast". And they bear it. Watch this. And when the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that tasted that it was made wine and knew not which it was, but the servants which drew the water knew, the governor of the feast called the bridegroom. He said unto him. Every man at the beginning does set forth good wine. And when men have well drunk, they bring out that stuff that's worse, but you have kept, come on, the good wine until now.

Say fruitful. And I'm saying something here. I'm saying that you're able to deliver goods from heaven, on a whole another level. But you got to walk. You got to understand that, wait a minute, part of your DNA, part of your purpose here is to be fruitful. That you can go around by the power of the Holy ghost and get people healed.

Now, what is the word also? The word is God's divine nature. Now let's look at second, Peter please. Second Peter and chapter one. He said this, Simon Peter a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our savior Jesus Christ. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you, through knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. According as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises. That by these you might be partakers of the what? Divine nature. Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Now, what is he saying here? The divine nature of God, is the nature that swallows up death. That didn't do right? Okay. Let's try it again. It's a nature of the word to swallow up disease. It's the power of the word of God, that when you take the word of God, well, let's put a scripture up there please. In Proverbs chapter four and verse 20. And he said this, he says, my son attend to my words and incline thine ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from my eyes. Keep them in the midst of thy heart. What is he talking about? Words, say words. Say God's word. For they are life. What kind of life? Divine life to those that what? Find them. And what else? Health to all their flesh. Now the original says medicine.

So the word of God is medicine. I said, the word of God is medicine. Now, Jesus is the physician and he is given the church the ability to be self-contained. Ouch. The word Jehovah means self existing. You physician heal yourself. See, if you're going to a doctor, for example, outside and the doctor says, here's the medicine. Take it three times a day. I'm saying to you that for the church, there is some medicine. and you can take it. And as you take it, it's divine life will swallow up disease. It doesn't make any difference how powerful disease is or what the report is. HIV, NIG, whatever it is, the divine life of God will swallow up death.

Are you hearing what I'm saying? I'm saying you don't even need to know what it is. Just take this three times a day. So I'm saying it will remove anything that death has brought, whether it's poverty, whatever death the curse comes in with this is designed to remove it because it's the Word of God. Now, again, it comes in as a seed because what happens... why aren't God's people practicing that? Why they're not practicing it, mainly because they've never been taught. That's the first reason, put it up there, please.

Romans chapter 10 and verse 14. How then shall they call on him who've they've not believed. And how shall they believe in him who they'd not heard. And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall he preach... next verse except they be sent. Then verse 17, so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. All right, let's go back to Numbers chapter 13 and see what they heard. Because what you hear is going to be a seed. And that seed is coming into your heart. And the Bible says over in Proverbs in chapter 4 in verse 23, guard your heart because out of it are going to come the issues of life.

So most of us have come in and Satan has been busy sowing seeds into our heart. So we come in that we no longer go to the things of God, but if something happened, we run to the world. And that's called a migrant. See, we're trying to run to the world because we think the world has the goods, but you got better goods than the world because when the woman couldn't get her issue of a blood stopped in the world. She came and touched the hem of his garment and the blood snatched. And I'm saying that you got us, you are on another level, but for me to get you to be fruitful on another level, I'm going to have to teach on another level.

See, I can't teach you something that your mind very quickly say okay yeah, because I don't want to agree with your mind. I want to let you know that you can plant new seeds to own one of the largest hotels downtown Chicago, you can plant that seed. He said, all things are yours. He said, go and take the land and don't give it up. He said, I've raised this up to put it in your hand. But see, we're busy reasoning things. And you can't reason faith. Say amen.

The only reason we don't act on these things is cause we don't believe it. The only reason we don't believe it many times because we've never heard it. But for those who have heard it, the only reason you're not seeing it in your life is because you've never meditated it to get the revelation. And for those who have meditated it, the only reason it's not working in your life is because you never acted on it. You see, he's saying, when you hear the word and you don't act on it, you will have to come back in hear it again. And some of you have heard my teachings for years. You should own building's, you should own, why? Because God said poses the earth. It's in the wrong hands, but for you to do it you will have to be fruitful. You're going to have to multiply and replenish the earth. Say amen to that. And to do it.

Am I preaching alright? Now, who will this work for? Me, huh? Okay. All right. It'll work for anybody who will meet the biblical requirements and the first biblical requirement, that you got to be a seed of Abraham. God is empowering seed of his people. Why? He wants you to not be the tail but be the what? Be the head. He not want you to be the borrower but he wants you to be? The lender. And the way you do that is get a borrowing image outside of you. You got to get that out. You got to plant new seed. I'm the owner. I'm the banker. I'm the loan company. I'm the mortgage company. I'm the... Say Amen.

Folks we about to go somewhere. He's about to take some people who've been on the bottom most of their lives, and he's going to take them to the top. Why? They're going to be fruitful. This is your time. The world can't believe what you can believe and therefore they can't do what you can do. But this is your season. God is about to make you stagger the imagination of the world. The Bible says you're going to be a city set on a hill. Watch this, so the world is going to be looking up at you. Wow.

Now, most of the things that were produced were created. Why? When God went through and created everything, he did it for six days. He was all... This work was creating. He was creating and creating and creating and creating and creating. Now, he dropped his DNA in you. So every day you should see how better you can do what you're doing. The word is all controlling. The word is creative. The word is divine what? Nature. And this word is light. Is light. You see, God is about to give you insight that you've never had before. Say Amen to this. Because this is a season that he's going to have his people to repopulate the earth, with the things God has planned for this earth.

So if I need something, I just need to get some what? I need to get some seed because I want to move from a consumer to a what? To a producer. And God has provided solutions for this nation or for the world. Watch this, that the world can't even get. He's laid him up for the church. And all you got to do is ask for them. Why? Proverbs chapter 10, verse 24, the fear of the wicked it shall come upon him. But the desire of the righteous shall be great.

I'm telling you I was so on television last night, where they were showing this young lady and so forth and said she made over $600 million selling cosmetic product. I said well, the church can do that. I better not say that anymore. My point to you is, that God has big plans for the church. God's having problems getting faith around your vision, because it's so small. And what you need to do is understand that God has big plans for you. And those plans are going to come to pass. Now, for you, be fruitful. Say amen to that. If I'm anywhere and I don't have an answer, I can require or ask God to give me some seed. It doesn't make any difference where I am. God will give me solutions, he'll give me innovation. It doesn't make any difference because I'm going to be the head in wherever situation I go.