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Andrew Wommack - Effortless Change - Part 13

Welcome to our Wednesday’s broadcast of and today is the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, where they legalized abortion. You know, I’ve mentioned this the two previous days of this week but I think that Christians need to keep this in front of them and recognize that we need to be outspoken on this. The Bible is very clear that a child is a viable human being from the moment of conception. I’m not going to take time to teach on that today but I have in the past.

I have recently, back during the month of December, as we were talking about Luke, chapter 2 and Mary and Elizabeth and how the babe leaped in her womb for joy and it was just six months along in the pregnancy and this baby had joy and leapt and was filled with the Holy Spirit. I guarantee you, the Holy Spirit didn’t fill a hunk of tissue. This was a live human being six months into that pregnancy and so anyway I believe that it’s important that we speak out on this, that we influence people and I’m telling you, if you were a person who says that you love God, that you love the Word of God, it is incorrect to take a stand for abortion. That is not right and you know, what I would like to do today.

I would like to play the testimony of Connie Weiskopf and she’s a woman that came to me actually for cancer. She had cancer and she began to get hold of the Word of God and she came and asked me for prayer and I prayed with her and she was healed of cancer but she, it was a miraculous healing. It was a great testimony and as she gave her testimony, it came out that she had used abortion before as a form of birth control and she had had multiple abortions and when she got converted and turned to the Lord, she began to realize that this was wrong and she actually was working in a pregnancy center when we made this DVD about her testimony and she was running this and helping influence many, many, many young women who were faced with this decision about whether to keep their child or abort it, and it’s just a great testimony and she makes a point about keeping your children and stuff that I thought it would be appropriate to play this on the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. So watch this and I’ll come back at the end of today’s program…

Praise God! Isn’t that powerful! I tell you, Connie and her husband have become good friends and she’s now got a ministry. You know, hopefully my television department will be able to put her web site or information on the screen here because Connie has now left the pregnancy center and she has her own ministry. She has written a book and she’s out traveling and ministering and God is doing great things through her, and praise God, it would be great, if you could contact her, if you would like to have her come speak or minister to your people.

But did you know, in that exact spot where I prayed for Connie and she got healed, right out in front of our auditorium here, did you know that this morning I was walking through and there was a woman standing in that exact spot and she saw me and recognized me and she has stage 4 lung cancer and she asked me to pray with her and I prayed with her in that exact same spot and just about two feet over and she said she felt the power of God go through her and I believe she’s healed also. Praise God for Jesus and what he’s doing in our life, but the reason I played Connie’s testimony is primarily of the portion about abortion and you know, you will hear people say that you just eliminate this child, get rid of all of the inconvenience and problems.

Statistics show that that’s not true. First of all, statistically women who have abortions wind up with much more complications in regular child birth and harder to receive, or conceive in childbirth. It has physical consequences to it but then mentally and emotionally, spiritually, it has devastating consequences. Just as you saw in Connie’s testimony and I am the one that helped start the pregnancy center here in Colorado springs. I’ve been through a lot of different conferences on this and different things and statistically, I tell you women have problems with guilt over abortion. They can say that they don’t.

They can harden themself, but I guarantee you, at a heart level, they know that they killed their very own child and it causes problems and the pregnancy center here in Colorado springs, we actually have a post-abortion counseling and education program. We call it pace and what it is, it’s a program that ministers to women who has already had abortions and they help them to deal with these issues and they do have issues! So anyway I felt it was appropriate today to devote today’s broadcast to this and I just want to say emphatically from the Word of God that like it says in Psalms, chapter 139, that even before we were con, put together in our mother’s womb, before we came out, God knew all of our parts. He had already determined beforehand what our days were going to be like.

Now, we have a choice whether we follow his plan, but he had a plan for every single person, even when they are in their mother’s womb. That is not just a hunk of flesh. It is not a part of the woman’s body. It is a separate person with a separate heartbeat, different DNA, sometimes different blood types, and it is a viable human being. Just because it’s not viable outside of the womb doesn’t mean that that’s not a human because you take a baby who’s born and it’s not viable, even after it’s born, if you don’t take care of it, if you don’t nurture it, if you don’t give it the right warmth and take care of it. So this argument that you know, it’s not viable outside of the womb, that’s not, that’s not accurate!

Plus the people who are promoting abortion, they, it’s not about whether they can live outside the womb. They even do partial birth abortions where they deliver the baby well, alive, and then literally stick something into its brain and siphon part of the brain out and kill it. It is not about whether that baby can make it or not. From the moment of conception, that baby is a child and we do not have the right to take another life. That is not the way that God told us to do.

So I just want to say on the anniversary of this Roe v. Wade decision. Here we are, 41 years later and they are still aborting millions of children per year and that is just wrong and I tell you, I’m not just against abortion. I am for the people that are having abortion and that’s the reason that we helped start the Colorado springs pregnancy center. We have seen a huge decrease in the number of abortions. Matter of fact, we had two abortion clinics, planned parenthood, here in Colorado springs. One has closed down and is totally out of business and the other one has decreased to just two days a week and there is no doctor in Colorado springs that will do the abortions. They have to come from Denver down two days a week and we are in the process of dealing with that! We believe that we’re going to stop this and there are these pregnancy centers that God has raised up all around the nation.

I encourage you to get involved and to check it out and you, there are ways that you can do things except, you know, I’m not against people who picket but that’s not what God called me to do. I’m not just protesting. I’m making a difference. I’m providing services and helping people who are dealing with these issues and there’s ways that you can get involved. Matter of fact, my staff is going to play a little promo about our pregnancy center here in Colorado springs and you can go and find out about some place that’s available in your area and I encourage you to get involved. Get into this fight against all of this abortion.