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Allen Jackson - The Main Thing
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Allen Jackson - The Main Thing
Allen Jackson - The Main Thing
But I read a book many years ago by Stephen Covey. and the premise of the book was: The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. And the redemptive work of Jesus is the main thing about our faith. Not the label of the church where we [...]
Allen Jackson - Listening and The Kingdom of God - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Listening and The Kingdom of God - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Listening and The Kingdom of God - Part 2
Please understand that when we read the Gospel of Luke, we're not reflecting on history. We're trying to understand what it means to be followers of the Lord. We are rejecting God, and we will face the judgment for these choices if we [...]
Allen Jackson - Listening and The Kingdom of God - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Listening and The Kingdom of God - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Listening and The Kingdom of God - Part 1
But in addition to our normal Bible reading, I have invited you to read the Gospel of Luke with me. Really, depending upon your schedule, we have varying amounts of free time. If your schedule allows, read it once a day. It's only 24 chapters, [...]
Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 2
So the very next verses, Luke gives us this scenario at a little village not far away. There's a funeral procession, and Jesus interrupts the funeral procession, and what does he do? He said, "Young man, get up". "And the dead [...]
Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 1
Working through a study on the Gospel of Luke, I've invited you to, beyond your normal Bible reading, which I understand is a little bit of an extra lift, but I've invited you to read the Gospel of Luke with me repetitively. If your [...]
Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 2
The challenge I think we faced is we've done these sinners parties and we've gathered to sympathize with their sin. We wanted to be sure they know we're empathetic, that we understand. Jesus met with them to call them to repentance, [...]
Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 1
We're in the midst of a discussion that is really a review of the Gospel of Luke. I've been encouraging you, inviting you, to join me in reading the Gospel of Luke. It's extracurricular activity, I know. "We're already on a [...]
Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 2
Before Jesus goes the first time into a synagogue to stand and speak, Satan has already challenged him. Satan has begun a series of temptations in an attempt to disrupt God's purposes. I would submit to you, I believe God provides every [...]
Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 1
We're gonna continue a theme we began in some previous sessions. I've invited you to read with me through the Gospel of Luke. It's only 24 chapters. I know it's extracurricular activity, it's beyond the scope of your Bible [...]
Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 2
Do you happen to remember who wrote the Book of Revelation? It's not a trick question. The apostle John, the one that Jesus recruited. By the time we get to the Book of Revelation, John is near the end of his life. By at least church tradition, [...]
Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 1
The goal is really simple. I want to encourage you to read your Bibles. We're a Bible reading church. It's become a part of the fabric of who we are as a people. Not randomly, but in an intentional, systematic way we read through our [...]
Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
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Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
It will give life to you, the Word of God. I wanna start in Hebrews chapter 4, in verse 12. It says, "The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and [...]
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
Our enemy, the devil, wants you to believe that you're not significant. That to be important, you have to be an influencer. I would submit, you have influence with the Creator of all things. Let's decide the simple part of this, that our [...]
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
I started a new series in the previous session. I wanna take a few sessions and talk with you about the Gospel of Luke. In fact, I wanna ask you, if you will accept it, to take a little homework assignment. I know we already do daily Bible reading [...]
Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 2
It makes me smile when I see all these kids that fill our stage or all these babies that we dedicate, I step across and I see all the children when they're here throughout the week, or whenever it may be, to know that God has plans for those [...]
Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 1
Now the title for this session is "A Dimensional Life". I'll come back to that in a minute, but what I really wanna begin is a study with you on the Gospel of Luke. Luke is written by the one author of the New Testament who's not [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 5
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 5
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 5
That the real essence of prophecy isn't about foretelling, it is about God's perspective on the season in which you're living. And then the beautiful part of scripture is that it is addressive literature, what causes the Word of God [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 4
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 4
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 4
There's a lot of discussion in our world today about globalization and the impact of the international community and how we don't live alone on an island in the world any longer. In fact, this week, we've all kind of watched, with [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 3
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 3
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 3
Our topic this weekend has to do with prophecy, specifically in discerning what is next from the scripture. Is it possible to anticipate the season that we're living in, to anticipate what God is about so that we might cooperate with him? I [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 2
When God says, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I don't believe he means just pray for an absence of military conflict. I believe he's telling us to pray for the peace of the people in the land and their relationship between God and [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 1
All right, our title for these three weeks is "Discerning What is Next," and the real objective is to understand that God is watching over us. We live in an unusual season in history, and I believe God is shaking the earth, and to be [...]
Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 2
Well, worship is about another dimension. It's not grounded in time and space. It has little to do with how I feel or whether I want to or whether it's pleasing to me. We are worshiping, as I have said, an eternal, omnipotent, and [...]
Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 1
The topic for this session is "Things Forgotten and Remembered" and it's something that's been bouncing around in my heart for a bit, and I felt like it was valuable enough to share in a broader way. There are things that are [...]
Allen Jackson - Sticks, Stones, and Words
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Allen Jackson - Sticks, Stones, and Words
Allen Jackson - Sticks, Stones, and Words
I wanna talk to you about words, but I really have a bigger agenda. I'm gonna suggest to you that there's a spiritual authority in your words. That the words you speak in spiritual authority is a concept biblically that's intertwined. [...]
Allen Jackson - Live Generously - Part
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Allen Jackson - Live Generously - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Live Generously - Part 2
We're given several instructions and we don't hold the privilege of applying them randomly at our discretion. Why would we think there's anything different with our giving? Honoring our parents? Do you just get to honor them when you [...]
Allen Jackson - Live Generously - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Live Generously - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Live Generously - Part 1
This is the second part in a series of talks I have done. We started in the previous session last night, I wanna continue. The title for this one is "Live Generously". I'm gonna talk about money, but we've already had the [...]
Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 2
Well, I brought you the Financial Ten Commandments. These are not in Deuteronomy or Levit... well, they're probably there, but they're not arranged in the way I have done them. I took "thou shalt" and "thou shalt not" [...]
Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 1
I wanna do a couple of sessions on a topic of money and power. And I think this really came from what's been on our televisions lately. The political conventions are over for a season. Hallelujah, I'm okay with that. It was a little [...]
Allen Jackson - The Power of the Gospel
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Allen Jackson - The Power of the Gospel
Allen Jackson - The Power of the Gospel
The study we've been doing, walking towards Easter, has been called "The Intervention". And the Easter story is the culmination of God's intervention on behalf of humanity. It's something that was pointed to throughout the [...]
Allen Jackson - Generous Living - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Generous Living - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Generous Living - Part 2
You know, the challenge with the word "generous," the weakness in the word "generous," the concept I think is apparent to us, and I like it a lot for that reason, But the weakness in the word is it's really not defined very [...]
Allen Jackson - Generous Living - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Generous Living - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Generous Living - Part 1
I'm of the opinion that we're approaching the season that would suggest the return of Jesus to the earth is a possibility. I don't mean this week or this month. I'm not suggesting that. But it seems to me that many things [...]
Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 2
I would compare that to David, Solomon's father. He didn't come from a notable family of power and wealth. David came from a pretty typical family structure. Now, he wasn't in the optimum position. He was the youngest. He had several [...]
Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 1
The title for this talk is, "Legacy, Eternity, And You," and it's really a bit of a reflection on the readings we're doing. I hope you do the daily Bible reading with us. If you don't, I would like to invite you to. You [...]
Allen Jackson - The Jesus People
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Allen Jackson - The Jesus People
Allen Jackson - The Jesus People
I want to continue the theme that we began last week talking about our need for a Savior. Folks, we need a Savior. And if you don't know, his name is Jesus. The Bible says he's the Savior of the whole world. Not the originator or the [...]
Allen Jackson - We Need a Savior - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - We Need a Savior - Part 2
Allen Jackson - We Need a Savior - Part 2
See, there is no Savior besides God. He secures our future. He watches over it. That's what David understood. He said, "God is my rock. He is my Savior". He's even our Savior in times of distress, when we don't like the [...]
Allen Jackson - We Need a Savior - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - We Need a Savior - Part 1
Allen Jackson - We Need a Savior - Part 1
I want to take a couple of weeks and just talk to you about Jesus. You know, at the end of the day, he's my best friend and at the end of the day I want my life to bring honor and glory to him. And I don't have a better topic. And for this [...]
Allen Jackson - The Shadow of Paganism - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Shadow of Paganism - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Shadow of Paganism - Part 2
Our attitudes towards children reflect far more pagan perspectives than they have at other times. They are currently trafficking in children on our border in unprecedented numbers. They're being sold into slavery predominantly for sexual [...]
Allen Jackson - The Shadow of Paganism - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Shadow of Paganism - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Shadow of Paganism - Part 1
This session I've titled "The Shadow of Paganism" because I believe that the shadow of paganism has fallen over the contemporary American church, but I would put this discussion in a little larger context of Christianity pelagianism [...]
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
I think one of the reasons that we failed to forgive and that we failed to process it is we don't really think there's too much of a consequence for sin. You know, we just don't. We don't often see immediate judgment from God. [...]
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
We're working through a series under this general theme of "A Change of Heart". I believe that's really the only solution for the ills that face us. I think we all know by now we're in another election cycle, but as I have [...]
Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 2
There's a power available to us that it can orchestrate a change of heart and may that change of heart begin within those of us who gather in the church. 2 Timothy 3 and verse 5, Paul is describing a lengthy set of characteristics of human [...]
Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 1
I think the greatest need for transformation is within the church. I believe that those of us who imagine ourselves to be Christ-followers, can cooperate with the Spirit of God, he would bring about the changes that would bring transformation to our [...]
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
If we want to be participants in this moving of the Spirit of God that we say we're so anxious for, we're gonna have to be the ones willing to embrace change. We're gonna have to have a change of heart. We're gonna have to move [...]
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
I wanna start a series of talks under the general theme of a change of heart. I am convinced that our best future is dependent upon a change of heart in the midst of the people of God. I think it's far more important than economic cycles or [...]
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
Jesus has already been here once. Now, while his entry was rather inauspicious, the outcome of his coming that first time was dramatic. It was an intervention. It changed the course of human existence for time and eternity. But he's not done. [...]
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
The theme for this session, and this evening as well, is about interventionist in training because it's, our story is not just what God's done for us, but what God intends to do through us. We are not just consumers of the blessings of God [...]
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
And the Bible says we have to learn to reckon ourselves dead to sin. Temptation starts as an idea inside of me. Selfishness, envy, jealousy, lust, those are all thoughts. So some of the challenge in our lives, the doorways that evil tries to [...]
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
Today, to be completely candid about it is, is really about worship. I'm gonna invite you to something with me. Before we go this morning, I wanna, I wanna place a new tool in your tool kit. Worship is about learning to use our voice to [...]
Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 2
Well, I would submit to you, we have a spiritual problem. That's far more than anything you can evaluate in the political arena. We have a fundamental spiritual problem. So, here's my invitation to you: let's decide to become a part [...]
Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 1
The title for this session is A Life That Triumphs Over Evil. But, to be completely candid, it's a bit different for me. I wrestled with this more than I typically do in preparing a talk. I'm sure most of you know, at least, that my mom [...]
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