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Mike Novotny - What's My First Love?
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Mike Novotny - What's My First Love?
Mike Novotny - What's My First Love?
Back around middle school, a bunch of my friends and I, toilet papered one of neighbor's houses, and in the process, we bought from a local hunting store, a small bottle of deer urine, which we splattered all over his front porch. But before you all [...]
Mike Novotny - Isn't Jesus on MY Side?
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Mike Novotny - Isn't Jesus on MY Side?
Mike Novotny - Isn't Jesus on MY Side?
Whenever I hear about controversial issues in society, in the church, when it comes to morality, I have, I don't think I have ever once heard someone say that Jesus was wrong and they are right. Right? Have you ever heard that? Have you ever heard [...]
Mike Novotny - I'm Supposed to Love THOSE People?
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Mike Novotny - I'm Supposed to Love THOSE People?
Mike Novotny - I'm Supposed to Love THOSE People?
For the past few weeks here at church, we have been talking about what love looks like in the Bible. I am not going to re-preach all three of those messages to you. You can find them online. But basically, we have talked about how love, in the [...]
Mike Novotny - Show Tough or Tender Love
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Mike Novotny - Show Tough or Tender Love?
Mike Novotny - Show Tough or Tender Love?
If you are taking notes in your program today, here is why. I often tell people in premarital counseling that this is God's definition of love: Love is doing what is best. It might be tough, it might be tender, but love always is asking the question [...]