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Andy Stanley — Amazing

At some point in your faith journey, you will settle into a bargaining posture with God. “God, if you will..., I promise I will....” We all do it. That’s just part of religion—every religion.

In fact, it’s so much a part of human nature that even some atheists and agnostics do it when they find themselves in desperate circumstances. But is that really how God wants us to relate to him? The problem with a bargaining posture is we never keep up our end of the bargain, do we?

The good news is we don’t have to bargain with God. Christians believe that God made the first move. Christians believe that God so loved the world he gave his one and only Son.

When you receive that gift by faith, the bargaining ends and the relationship begins. Obedience to God is a voluntary response of gratitude for what he’s given you.
Are you Human?:*